Thursday, July 5, 2018

7 Ruinous Rodents that can Wreck Your Lawn and Home

Rodents and other pesky animals running amuck throughout your lawn can disrupt gardens and turf, and it can affect your lawn's appearance as well as your home's foundation negatively. With a wide array of possible culprits, pinpointing which animal is wreaking havoc in your yard can be a bit difficult. This week, A B Pest Control & Insulation is providing information on 7 ruinous rodents that could be wrecking your beautiful landscaping and invading your home.

1. Mice
The house mouse is the most common rodent that homeowners deal with. They can breed rapidly and adapt quickly to changing conditions. Their ability to rapidly reproduce can mean an infestation has taken place in your home before you even realize you've got a problem. House mice prefer to nest in dark, secluded areas and often build nests out of paper products, cotton, packing materials, wall insulation and fabrics. A mouse infestation in your home can have a profound effect on your health. Mouse feces can spread bacteria and trigger allergic reactions. They can also carry fleas, mites, ticks and lice, as well as parasitic borne diseases.

2. Skunks
Although skunk activity rarely causes serious economic loss, their digging and burrowing activity and their habit of taking refuge under porches and buildings can cause some serious headaches for a homeowner. Skunks are notorious for the foul odor of their spray and their digging habits. Skunks will leave holes in your lawn when digging for insects, and they can damage your foundation if one chooses to construct a burrow underneath your home.

3. Opossums
While some will argue that opossums are beneficial to have around because they can eat their weight in ticks and other pesky bugs, others would argue that the problems they cause isn't worth the hassle. Although they rarely cause significant damage, they can become a nuisance near homes where they may get into garbage, bird feeders, or pet food. They also occasionally kill poultry. Though opossums aren't aggressive in nature, they are opportunistic and resourceful creatures that eat what they can find and take shelter where they see fit - even if it's inside your home.

4. Raccoons
Although Raccoons are nocturnal creatures and you may rarely encounter them in person, you know when they've made their presence. Raccoons often raid garbage cans in search of food, and sometimes kill poultry, destroy bird nests, and damage gardens or crops. Their curious nature and habit of taking refuge in chimneys and attics, as well as their constant search of food, can lead to conflicts with property owners.

5. Moles
Moles are usually classified as a pest species due to their tunneling habit. Moles dig two types of tunnels: temporary feeding tunnels just below ground surface, and deeper, permanent tunnels below the frost line. The temporary feeding tunnels can cause unsightly damage to lawns, golf courses, and cemeteries. A single mole can turn a nice manicured lawn into a mess of tunnels and dirt piles. Simply put: they wreck your yard.

6. Armadillos
Technically armadillos aren't considered rodents, but they can still be a huge nuisance and shouldn't be handled by someone who doesn't know how to properly handle them as armadillos have the ability to carry the bacterium that causes leprosy in humans. While they primarily feed on earth worms, spiders, and other insects, they do a whole lot of digging and rooting to get to their source of food. Plus, they burrow to bear their young, which can negatively affect the integrity of your home's foundation.

7. Groundhogs
While they look cute and cuddly, groundhogs are a nuisance that can cause extensive damage. The groundhog’s feeding and burrowing habits can result in damaged property and crops. Burrows and mounds can be hazardous to farm equipment or horses and riders, and burrows can undermine concrete building foundations, porches, and driveways. Although groundhogs rarely come in contact with humans and therefore pose no major public health hazards, they are capable of carrying fleas, ticks and rabies.

These are just a handful of the many rodents that can wreak havoc on a homeowner's property. From carrying diseases and parasites into your lawn and home to doing actual physical damage to your property, these pests can become a serious nuisance if left to their own devices. If you suspect a rodent infestation, contact a licensed rodent pest control professional to treat and get rid of those pesky pests before they damage your home and lawn. Call your favorite pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks today!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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  1. Go Pro Wildlife Removal Company is providing expert Rodent control Opelika & Pest wildlife control Services in Opelika, Auburn, and surrounding areas. We help our customers with long term solutions to wildlife conflicts.

  2. Go Pro Wildlife Removal Company is providing expert Lee county wildlife removal in Opelika, Auburn, and surrounding areas. We help our customers with long term solutions to wildlife conflicts.
