Friday, August 16, 2019

Get Back On Track for Back to School

The schools around the Lake of the Ozarks will be starting back up next week, which means it's time to start getting things back on a normal schedule. This week A B Pest Control and Insulation wants to provide you with a checklist of things to help you and the kiddos get back on track for a bright and smooth start to the school year.

Review School Material and Information
For most parents, schools send home a packet with a ton of information regarding their child’s new teacher, important dates to remember, emergency forms, and transportation routines. Make sure that you read through this information carefully, and mark down all important dates on your calendar. This is also a great time to get all the supplies your child will need for the school year, as most schools typically include a supplies list as well.

Get Back into a Sleep Routine
Going to bed late and sleeping in until mid-morning become the normal during the summer. But once school starts back up, those early mornings are going to feel unbearable for both parents and kids if a sleep schedule isn't established. Studies show that children five to 10 years old need 10 to 11 hours, and adolescents 10 to 17 years need eight-and-a-half to nine-and-a-half hours of sleep each night. So, this week is a good time to start implementing bedtimes again.

Make an After-School Game Plan
Make a plan for where your child will go after school lets out for the day. Depending upon the age of your child, figure out if they will go to a neighbor’s house, an after-school program, or be allowed to stay home by themselves. This will help eliminate any confusion during the first few weeks.

Prepare for the Unexpected
Working parents know that it can be difficult to find a sitter when your child is sick. Before school even begins, it’s a good idea to have a sitter already lined up in case you get that phone call home from the nurse saying your child is ill. Inform the school staff of your pickup/dropoff preferences and anyone who is permitted to pick up the kids on your behalf to avoid any issues with your child being released to someone other than yourself.

Have a Great 2019-2020 School Year!
Through preparation and organization, you can ensure that your child will have a smooth transition to the start of the new school year. If you've been in 'Summer mode' yourself and need a friendly reminder of some things you should be doing to prepare your home for the fall months to come, now is a great time to schedule routine fall pest control and turf management. While we can't help you and the kids establish your back to school routine, we can help you with your pest control and lawn service needs. Give A B Pest Control and Insulation a call today for your pest control needs and more!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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