Friday, May 15, 2020

May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Spring time brings out all kinds of pests. Some of them are 'good'. Some of them are only 'pesky' because they make themselves welcome in our homes and lawns. Others can actually be hazardous to our health. Ticks that transmit Lyme disease can be found everywhere you go outdoors, be it the yard, the soccer field, running around the playground, or simply walking the dog.  In fact, we are observing more and more types of disease-carrying ticks out and about this year. So, in respect to May being National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, A B Pest Control & Insulation wants to share some tips on how to prevent Lyme and tick-borne diseases.

Tick Prevention Tips
Increased tick activity combined with unreliable diagnostics and limited treatment options makes diligent tick prevention for the entire family, including pets, of utmost important. The risk of a potentially debilitating tick bite is too great. Here are 5 easy steps to remember:

Avoid areas where ticks live.
Ticks thrive in places like wood piles, leaf litter, long grass, beach grass, bushy areas, stone walls, and perimeters where the lawn meets the woods. So, avoid these particular breeding grounds if you can. Also, make sure your lawn doesn't provide any havens for them to camp out - such as leaf build up along your home's foundation. Keep your lawn clean and well-manicured to prevent ticks from getting too comfortable.

Wear light-colored clothing to spot ticks more easily.
When you do venture outdoors, make sure you dress in light colored clothing. Long-sleeved shirt tucked in at the waist, long pants tucked into high socks, closed-toe shoes, and a hat with your hair tucked in, if possible, provide better protection from tick bites. Avoid walking in the grass barefoot or in open sandals.

Apply tick repellent before going outdoors.
Apply EPA-approved tick repellent (such as DEET or picaridin) and insecticide (such as permethrin) to skin, clothing, and shoes as directed. If you prefer a more natural topical repellent solution, here are a few essential oils that have tick-repelling properties: lavender, eucalyptus, cedarwood, garlic, and geranium. Just put a few drops of your favorite oil into your favorite carrier oil or dilute into a spray bottle mixed with a little water, and apply generously.

Remove clothing upon entering the home.
Before you track ticks throughout your house and they potentially drop off of you as the cooler air hits them, remove clothing when you first enter your home. Toss them into the dryer at high temperature for 10-15 minutes to kill live ticks. Putting them in the washer will not kill them.

Examine yourself and your pets for ticks daily.
Anytime you spend any amount of time outdoors, you should examine yourself when you come back in. Feel for bumps paying close attention to the back of knees, groin, armpits, in and behind the ears, belly button, and scalp. Check everywhere. Ticks love to hide. Be especially diligent when it comes to examining your kids and pets, as they may not be able to tell you if they think they have a tick.

Schedule Your Tick Control Treatment Today!
Not all ticks carry diseases, but during these next few months, A B Pest Control & Insulation knows that it’s important to keep your eye out for them. You should always check your pets when they come inside and you should never walk through the woods or tall grass without making sure you are covered and protected. To schedule a tick treatment for your home and lawn, give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today.


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