Friday, January 22, 2021

Are There Bats In Your Attic?

The presence of a bat in a house causes more alarm than does any other wildlife species. However, having bats hanging around your property isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, they offer some benefits to homeowners, such as natural pest control. But that doesn't mean they should be hanging out in your home. Let's talk about the possible damage that can be caused by roosting bats in your attic and how to get rid of them. 

Are There Bats in Your Attic?
First of all, how do you know if you've got bats roosting in your attic? You’ll notice bats have made their way into your attic thanks to the smell of their guano or urine, which are extremely pungent. You may also hear them in early dawn and dusk hours. If you have a colony of these creatures in your attic, you’ll want to act fast. Their droppings can cause structural damage, create a bad odor and even grow fungus which can cause respiratory problems.

Can They Cause Structural Damage?
While bats do not chew on buildings, they can still cause damage to your home. If left unchecked, their guano and urine will accumulate over time, resulting in waste dripping through ceilings, ruining insulation, and soaking through sheet rock or particle board, eventually causing the interior of the structure to collapse. 

How Do You Get Rid of Them? 
The first thing to do is to see where all the bats are hiding. You can quickly identify where the bats are around your house by finding their guano or urine stains. Check to see if there are windows or other small holes with scratches on them because that could be a point of entry. Also, try listening for squeaking or scratching.

Next, check to see if there are any small openings that bats can enter from. Since bats are nocturnal, another trick you can do is wait until night time and watch where they are exiting from. If needed, get someone to inspect your house when no visible holes can be seen. Bats are famous for squeezing into the smallest holes, so even a hole that’s less than half an inch wide can be a point of entry.

If you have active bats in your home, you’ll need to address the problem ASAP by calling a local pest control company as soon as you know you have an issue. After all the bats are gone, you can prevent them from coming back by sealing the passage or door permanently. For such small animals, they have a strong memory and would likely come back to your house if they found it cozy enough.

Contact A B Pest Control & Insulation
Now that you know a little more about the critters roosting in your attic, you'll be better equipped to getting them removed safely! Remember, bats in Missouri are protected and it is illegal to kill them unless they're causing damage to your property. If you do happen to come across bats in your attic or outdoor building, contact A B Pest Control & Insulation. We'll come out and safely remove these nocturnal harmless creatures and relocate them where they can thrive and continue to benefit our ecosystem!


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