Friday, April 30, 2021

A-Z with A B Pest & Insulation: Insects & Insulation

At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer multiple services for your convenience. From pest control to lawn maintenance and turf management to insulation services, we can handle all of these tasks for you! This week, we'll be continuing our series by discussing two different sectors of our business with A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Insects and Insulation.

This time of year brings more than just beautiful weather and sunshine. For homeowners, it can also bring unwanted guests into your home. Some of the most common household pests are coming out of hibernation and are looking for their next meal. Let's take a look at some of the common insects you'll see around your home this time of year. 

Cockroaches are a common problem throughout the United States. Once they make themselves comfortable in your home, it can be hard to get rid of them. Not only can they snack on your food, they can damage your walls, personal items and electronics. If that wasn’t bad enough, some species of cockroaches can spread diseases to you and your family.

Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks are prevalent in the Lake of the Ozarks area because of the warm, humid climate. Fleas and ticks are hard to get rid of due to their small size and their resilience. If you've got pets, you're more likely to encounter fleas and ticks because they're a primary source for food for these little parasites.  The best way to get rid of fleas and ticks for good is to call A B Pest and Insulation. 

Gnats are a very common pest problem. They are often seen around lakes, rivers and any form of standing water, which is why the Lake of the Ozarks area sees so many of them. Gnats are pesky little insects, especially when they have entered your home. But you can prevent them by eliminating their food and water sources. Keep a clean house. Don't overwater plants. Cover trash cans and empty them often. 

We've got a lot of different species of spiders around here, but there are 2 that are especially dangerous. Missouri, especially the Lake of the Ozarks area, is home to two deadly spiders: brown recluses and black widows. These spiders are not known to be aggressive, but will attack when they feel threatened. Avoid spiders in your home by having A B Pest Control and Insulation spray for them.

Air leaks throughout your home increase heating and cooling bills by letting unconditioned air in and conditioned air out. Sealing and installing a good quality insulation can improve your home's efficiency. Loose-fill or batt insulation is typically installed, as loose-fill insulation is usually less expensive to install than batt insulation, and provides better coverage when installed properly.

Three Types Of Insulation

Cellulose Insulation
Cellulose insulation is great for insulating empty spaces, such as attics and crawl spaces. Cellulose insulation is thick, dense, and clumpy, with a consistency much like down feathers. The chief value of this shape and size is that the insulation can fit in enclosed areas (such as walls) and can conform around obstructions such as wires and ducts (found both in walls and in attics).

Fiberglass Insulation
Fiberglass is a type of fiber primarily composed of glass that is used as a residential and commercial thermal insulator. As an insulator, it slows the spread of heat, cold, and sound in structures. By trapping pockets of air, it keeps rooms warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and thereby serves as a convenient method to increase energy efficiency. Commonly found in blanket form, called batts, it is available in standard pre-cut lengths and widths. Fiberglass insulation also comes as loose fill that can be blown into attic, wall and floor cavities.

Foam Spray
Spray foam insulation offers a dynamic option that is suitable for almost any insulation need. Spray foam insulation has a versatile application method, which gives it a significant advantage over traditional options. It can be applied in narrow areas, blocking gaps and cracks that allow heat transfer. While foam spray insulation is typically a more costly option, it is designed to last and typically requires less cost for repair over the years.

If you have unwanted pests around your house or would like to have us take a look at your current insulation situation, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call! From pest control to lawn maintenance and insulation services - A to Z, we cover it all!


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