Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Black Friday Tips to Get You Prepared for the Chaos!

Thanksgiving is just a couple days away and this weekend will be packed full of turkey, family time and holiday shopping. A B Pest Control & Insulation is excited about the holiday season and we hope you are too! Following turkey day is one of the most competitive selling days of the year... BLACK FRIDAY! There are so many Black Friday deals, special sales hours and doorbusters that it can overwhelm even the most seasoned shoppers. So, this week, we're sharing some Black Friday tips to get you prepared for the chaos!

Create a Plan
In order to save time, dive into your local Thanksgiving Day newspapers and ads. They'll be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey with ads, coupons, and circulars. Create a list of items you plan to buy, then map out the stores you want to shop at. When you’re creating your list, rank them in order of importance and distance to help avoid losing time and backtracking.

Stick to Your Budget
It's so easy to get wrapped up in the excitement and hype of Black Friday, that you may not realize you've tossed about 16 items into your cart that weren't on your list just because "that deal was too good to pass up!" Don’t let Black Friday put your bank account in the red. One of the worst things you can do in the weeks leading up to the holidays is purchase items blindly without a shopping list. This is true whether you shop online or in-store. By creating a shopping list with specific items, you avoid falling into the trap of buying unnecessary stuff.

Take a Team to Help You Shop
If you've got big plans to save tons on doorbuster deals this Black Friday, you better have a shopping team by your side to help. Be sure you choose your shopping team wisely, though. If someone is easily irritated and often gets cranky while shopping, leave them at home. Your best bet would be choosing someone who loves shopping and loves deals even more.

Check for Limited Sale Items
During Black Friday sales, many stores create a certain amount of tickets or give out a limited amount of wrist bands for certain limited sale items, such as that new XBox One X your kids have been not-so-subtly dropping hints about all month long. If you intend on purchasing any big-ticket items, check to make sure that they don’t require a ticket. If they do, figure out what you need to do to secure a ticket, and plan to be ready and in line EARLY!

Happy Thanksgiving & Have Fun Shopping!
We hope that this quick list of Black Friday shopping tips helps you to enjoy the benefits of snagging great deals, while also making fantastic memories! There’s a lot to be thankful for this year and A B Pest Control & Insulation is thankful for all of our amazing clients. If you need to prepare your home for the holiday season, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call. We hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Happens to Cockroaches in Winter?

Ever wonder where some of those pests that were taking over your lawn and home run to when winter pokes its cold dreary head out? While some pests and rodents migrate to warmer climates for the winter months, others may seek places to hide out from the cold or hibernate. Cockroaches are one of those iffy pests that can go either way. Because of their unrelenting ability to survive even the harshest conditions, regular pest control treatments during the colder months are essential for controlling cockroaches. Here's what you need to know about cockroaches in the winter months.

What Species are Common in Missouri?

American Cockroach
The American cockroach generally lives outdoors, but during winter will move indoors and seek refuge from the cold. Outdoors, they will winter in decaying trees and woodpiles to survive the season.

German Cockroach
German cockroaches are a severe pest problem in the United States and are found everywhere through the country in large numbers. They easily infiltrate human structures and make their homes there. Once inside, they are hard to eradicate. As long as the German cockroach can find food and a humid environment, it will survive the winter.

Oriental Cockroach
Oriental cockroaches are an indoor species, but will often venture outdoors in search of food. They must have water to survive and will usually take refuge from the winter inside basements, crawlspaces, and floor drains. Oriental cockroaches can tolerate lower temperatures than most other species of cockroaches and will often winter in rock walls and sites that offer protection and warmth. They use the winter months to reproduce.

Cockroaches During The Winter

Cockroaches are resilient creatures, surviving on earth for more than 300 million years and will likely continue that survival long after humans have disappeared. The winter months do pose a risk to cockroaches, which will often die when exposed to temperatures less than 15 degrees Fahrenheit. However, cockroaches can find plenty of ways to avoid that exposure and survive the cold months.

Why Continue Pest Control During Winter

It's important to continue pest control treatments inside and outside your home throughout the winter months to keep pests that are seeking warmth from gaining access. They do they tend to take up residence inside the walls, which could make it more difficult to find and treat.
  • If pests are inside the walls of your home, they are not affected by the cold temperatures outside.
  • In addition to roaches living in the walls, attics and basements also provide a great source of protection and warmth for them to survive the winter months. 
  • If there are points of entry that are not sealed up, roaches can find their way into your home.
  • When a professional pest control company treats your home, they will ensure there are no pest related issues or identify any conditions that could lead to the future pest problems.
  • Continual treatment can prevent future infestations and can help to treat any nested eggs that have since hatched and not been affected by the initial treatment.

Get Rid of Roaches with A B Pest Control & Insulation!

This month we've seen some unusually warm temperatures, which may be causing some pests to come out of hiding. If you need pest control services this fall or winter, call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100. We can help you keep your home pest free this season!

Lake of the Ozarks
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Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Tips for Making Sure Your Home is Holiday Ready

This is one of the most joyful times of the year but it can come along with some stress, especially if you are hosting a holiday party at your home. As you prepare for a house full of guests, it's time to gear up with your list of things to do! A B Pest Control & Insulation wants to help make it easier, as you prepare for the holiday season. Check out a few tips to prepare your space for the holidays.

1. Clean Up Your Space

Give your home a fresh look by removing some unsightly clutter this time of year. Encourage your entire family to get on board to help prepare your space for your guests. It can help to make your cleaning process less overwhelming if you take each room a day at a time and hone in on cleaning that specific space.

2. Stock Guest Rooms

Hosting is all about giving your guests the best experience as they stay in your home. Ensure all guest bathrooms are stocked with needed products. You don't want a guest to have to ask for more toilet paper right in the middle of your holiday gathering. If you have overnight guests, try to ensure the bedrooms are stocked, as well. This extra step can help make your guests feel even more comfortable in your space.

3. Get into the Festive Spirit

Decorate your space (this is the fun part of hosting)! Give your home a festive overhaul with fun fall decor during your Thanksgiving meal and get that Christmas spirit flowing with a stunning tree and other holiday decor. This can help your guests get into the holiday spirit even more. And don't forget to focus on the table centerpiece to tie it all together!

4. Buy Non-Perishables Ahead

Your shopping list can get a bit crazy this time of year. Try to buy non-perishable items ahead of time to cut down on the long list at the store. Paper products and dry foods can be purchased now to try to get those items out of the way. Also, making a thorough list of needed food and other household supplies can help ensure you aren't making a dash to the store right before guests arrive.

5. Rid Your Home of Pests

Nothing can ruin your holiday party quicker than pests. Have your entire home treated for those pesky critters as more and more try to enter your home this time of year. As the cold weather settles in mid-Missouri, now's the time to put up a defense against those unwelcome guests!

Our pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks knows this is both an exciting and stressful time of year. Help ease the anxiety of hosting by preparing your space for the holiday season. While we cannot prevent those annoying family members from bombarding your party, we CAN help keep the pests out of your home this holiday season!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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Friday, November 8, 2019

Firewood Pests: Are You Bringing them into Your Home?

There's nothing quite like the warmth of a toasty fire to get rid of a cold chill. If you’ve got a fireplace or a wood stove, you know just what we mean! However, when you bring in wood to keep your fire going, you could be inadvertently bringing pests into your home.

Every tree has the possibility of hosting a number of insects including spiders, mites and beetles. These insects could remain or have found their way on the cords of wood you’ve got stacked outside and could become active after being introduced to the warm temperatures inside your home. Your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company has all the information you need to know about firewood pests and how to prevent them from infesting your home.

Common Firewood Pests

Black Carpenter Ants
Black Carpenter Ants do bite and can spray formic acid, but they do not possess the ability to sting their prey. Most carpenter ant species establish their first nest in decayed wood and later expand or enlarge this into sound wood. Indoors, nests are located in wood (preferably softened by fungus rot or water damage) in insulation, and/or wall voids.

Powderpost Beetles
Powderpost beetles are another wood infesting pest that can cause damage. Signs of an infestation include small round exit holes and very fine piles of dust beneath the exit holes. These wood infesting insects are brought into structures in wood containing their eggs or larvae, such as oak, hickory, ash, and other native hardwoods.

Termites area another common wood infesting pest. While they primarily forage underground for cellulose, they can find their way into wood cords in an attempt to feed so they can return it to the colony to feed others. It's during these excursions that termites can unknowingly enter your home, possibly leaving a trail of pheromones for the colony to follow. And since many homes are insulated with cellulose (their primary source of nutrients), your home just became a welcoming humble abode for the colony!

Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees bore holes into decks or other wooden structures. Carpenter bees prefer weathered, unpainted wood, so treating or painting your wooden structures will provide some protection from them. However, that stack of firewood in the back yard could be free game! Once in or near your home, you could experience possible furnishing and deck damage from this hole-boring pest.

How to Prevent an Infestation
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help minimize the chances of bringing pests into your home through your firewood. Inspect it carefully. Look for signs of aphids, adelgids or small insects. Things to look for include light tan, walnut-size, frothy egg masses and small holes with sawdust trails.

Before bringing firewood into your home, it is a good idea to shake it vigorously to dislodge any insects and spiders. Check each log for egg cases and prune out any you may find. It is important to get rid of any egg sack, as your home is warm which could induce the eggs to hatch.

Enjoy the Warmth of Your Pest Free Fireplace!
If your pest infestation goes beyond the stack of firewood, it is best to call a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks. From bed bugs to spiders, A B Pest Control & Insulation can make sure your home is pest free all year round. To schedule an appointment with a professional Lake of the Ozarks exterminator, contact us at 573-964-1100.

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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