Create a Plan
In order to save time, dive into your local Thanksgiving Day newspapers and ads. They'll be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey with ads, coupons, and circulars. Create a list of items you plan to buy, then map out the stores you want to shop at. When you’re creating your list, rank them in order of importance and distance to help avoid losing time and backtracking.
Stick to Your Budget
It's so easy to get wrapped up in the excitement and hype of Black Friday, that you may not realize you've tossed about 16 items into your cart that weren't on your list just because "that deal was too good to pass up!" Don’t let Black Friday put your bank account in the red. One of the worst things you can do in the weeks leading up to the holidays is purchase items blindly without a shopping list. This is true whether you shop online or in-store. By creating a shopping list with specific items, you avoid falling into the trap of buying unnecessary stuff.
Take a Team to Help You Shop
If you've got big plans to save tons on doorbuster deals this Black Friday, you better have a shopping team by your side to help. Be sure you choose your shopping team wisely, though. If someone is easily irritated and often gets cranky while shopping, leave them at home. Your best bet would be choosing someone who loves shopping and loves deals even more.
Check for Limited Sale Items
During Black Friday sales, many stores create a certain amount of tickets or give out a limited amount of wrist bands for certain limited sale items, such as that new XBox One X your kids have been not-so-subtly dropping hints about all month long. If you intend on purchasing any big-ticket items, check to make sure that they don’t require a ticket. If they do, figure out what you need to do to secure a ticket, and plan to be ready and in line EARLY!
Happy Thanksgiving & Have Fun Shopping!
We hope that this quick list of Black Friday shopping tips helps you to enjoy the benefits of snagging great deals, while also making fantastic memories! There’s a lot to be thankful for this year and A B Pest Control & Insulation is thankful for all of our amazing clients. If you need to prepare your home for the holiday season, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call. We hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!