Thursday, April 28, 2016

Addressing Crawl Space Problems

Most homeowners aren't happy with their crawl space. They find it damp, musty, and foul-smelling. Crawl spaces can easily flood and in extreme cases rodents, animals and other pests can be found living within debris. An insulation company at the Lake of the Ozarks has options to alleviate the issues commonly found . A B Pest Control and Insulation can turn your crawl space into a drier, cleaner, healthier, and more energy-efficient area.

Options to Address Your Crawl Space Problems

Option 1: Completely condition the crawlspace by using a 12-20 mil membrane with closed cell foam on foundation walls and rim boards to completely seal out air and moisture from the outside. The conditioned air from the lower level to the crawlspace is able to flow through the floor joists without the odor, moisture, etc.

Option 2: Installing a vapor barrier only. This is a less expensive option as it only seals the ground issues for moisture. Air will still be able to transfer from the exterior to the interior as it is a traditional cross-ventilated crawlspace.

Poor Air Quality Can Affect Your Health

Even though your crawl space is underneath your home, that doesn’t necessarily mean that excess moisture and poor air quality in your crawl space isn’t hurting you. Much of the air we breathe on the first floor of our homes comes from the crawl space or basement. Excess moisture can lead to mold, dust, insect, and other pests. Poor air quality caused from mold spores and dust mites are the two largest indoor allergens and can be detrimental to some people's health. 

Here are some signs to help you determine if your crawl space has excessive moisture:

  • Standing water or mud on dirt floor after a heavy rain
  • Efflorescence on crawl space walls
  • Signs of wood rot and rust in crawl space
  • High radon levels
  • Unpleasant dirt/mud odors
  • Respiratory discomfort, headaches, and illnesses, such as allergies and asthma
  • Insect and other pest infestations
  • Mold and mildew on walls and floors of first-floor closets
  • Peeling paint on home exterior

It Can Save You Money

If you choose the option with the 12-20 mil membrane and the closed cell foam option you can turn your crawlspace into a conditioned space. One that is close to the living temperature in the floor above. When that happens, your floors feel warmer in winter and your energy bills can go down. This also eliminates the need to check on vents to make sure they are properly open and closed depending on the season. Some customers are experiencing up to 60% savings! 

It Can Prevent Harmful Gases

Radon gas is a very serious problem. In the event that radon is present in higher than acceptable levels in your home, a vapor barrier can be coupled with a radon mitigation system, which can significantly reduce the levels of radon in your home.

Let A B Pest Control and Insulation Inspect Your Crawl Space

If you are looking to have a vapor barrier installed in your crawl space, enlist the help of a professional crawl space insulation company at the Lake of the Ozarks. They can make sure your house is cleaner, and healthier for you and your family. A B Pest Control and Insulation can seal up your crawl space, so that you can eliminate moisture, odors, and pests for good! Call us for a free no obligation quote at (573) 964-1100.

Lake of the Ozarks
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Well-Fed Lawn is a Healthy Lawn

Every yard is different and having a lawn service at the Lake of the Ozarks set up the proper lawn management program tailored to your yard can make all the difference this season. A B Pest Control and Insulation has a formula for success for your lawn. A weed and feed fertilizer is an essential part of our lawn care program. Depending on the types of grasses that are growing in your yard, how much sun or shade your lawn receives, and many other factors will determine when your lawn needs to be fertilized. A well-fed lawn is healthier, which means it has a better root system to combat heat, drought, mowing, foot traffic and other stresses. Our professional lawn company at the Lake of the Ozarks can build a successful program specifically for your lawn to provide the best results. Here are 2 basic reasons using a weed and feed fertilizer will improve the health of your lawn this season:

It Controls Weeds

A healthy lawn discourages weed growth. 
A proper weed and feed program will help reduce and control weeds and replace lost nutrients in your lawn. The "weed" portion of the weed and feed fertilization program will attack dandelions and other green leafy weeds. It generally strengthens existing grass while killing off certain weeds. It should improve your lawn's ability to absorb food and water along with adding the necessary nutrients to promote healthy growth. 

It Feeds Your Lawn

Fertilizer helps your lawn stay healthy by promoting new blade and root growth and will aid in recovery from foot traffic and pest damage. The soil supplies some of the nutrients that grass needs, but not enough to be able to provide all of them during the entire growing season. The "feed" portion of the lawn care program is a fertilizer that contains a combination of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous to green up your lawn. Depending on the specific needs of your lawn, the exact blend varies, but it will always contain nitrogen, and most likely include some additional benefits.   

A B Pest Control and Insulation Will Keep Your Lawn Healthy

The most important thing you can do for your lawn is to feed it. While fertilizing it once a year will improve the condition of it, feeding it throughout the season will make it even healthier. A B Pest Control and Insulation can evaluate your lawn's needs and put it on a regular maintenance schedule so that it stays lush and green all season long. We want to be your preferred weed and pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks. We offer flexible service schedules to suit your needs and budget. Contact us today at (573) 964-1100 to get started!

Lake of the Ozarks
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Don't Let Fleas and Ticks Threaten Your Home

Many people think fleas and ticks come exclusively from dogs and cats. However they can cause problems for homeowners who don't even own pets! They can gain entry into your home through items brought onto your property. If you suspect ticks or fleas in your home, have a licensed pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks review the situation to eliminate them from your space. A B Pest Control and Insulation can eliminate the chance of an infestation. Fleas and ticks can carry diseases like Lyme disease, typhoid fever, and tapeworms that can make humans and pets very sick. Below we describe in more detail the habits of fleas and ticks and how they threaten ourselves, our households, and our pets:

Habits of Fleas

Fleas are parasites that feed on any warm-blooded body, such as cats, dogs, and humans. They will attach themselves to rodents and other mammals and will infest household pets and wild animals. Their legs can transport them as high as 8 inches vertically and 16 inches horizontally. Fleas will remain on their hosts at all times, but can also be found on shoes, pant legs, or blankets, which can transfer them to new environments. 

How Fleas are a Threat

A flea is capable of laying hundreds of eggs in its lifetime. In as little as five days, they can mature into adults and begin to feed on your pet and lay eggs again. This life cycle is repeated again and again until a Lake of the Ozarks pest control company intervenes. The saliva from fleas can cause serious Flea Allergy Dermatitis in pets, and it has been reported to cause similar reactions in humans. Typhoid fever and the bubonic plague are the worst diseases that can be transmitted by fleas.

Habits of Ticks

Many ticks are carried into homes and yards from dogs. A few species of ticks may be common around buildings. Since ticks cannot run, hop, or fly, they wait for a host to come by and attach themselves to them by an animal's fur, or pants or socks worn by a human. The tick grasps the skin and cuts the surface its host. They feed on a diet of blood and if they do not find a host they will die.

How Ticks are a Threat

Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. The Black-Legged Tick is responsible for most Lyme disease cases in the Midwest, but there are other species of ticks that may also transmit Lyme disease. Be aware of rash and fever, these could be signs of a tick-borne illness.

Before You Treat Your Property for Fleas and Ticks

If your home needs treated for fleas and ticks at the Lake of the Ozarks, there are a few things you can do as a homeowner to prepare for the treatment:

  • Have your pet treated for fleas and don't let it back into the areas to be treated or you may be making another trip to the vet.
  • Vacuum all areas, including carpet, floors, upholstered furniture, mattresses, etc. Replace the vacuum bag afterwards and dispose of it outside of the home.
  • Clear areas to be treated of any clutter and debris so that the treatment will be effective.
  • Remove clutter and debris from your yard and mow your lawn if you are planning on having your yard sprayed.

Let A B Pest Control and Insulation Eliminate Fleas and Ticks from Your Property

If you believe you have a flea or tick problem, contact A B Pest Control and Insulation. We will conduct an inspection and resolve the root causes of the infestation. Our next step will be to prepare a management plan to repel and eliminate fleas and ticks from your property!

Lake of the Ozarks
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Termites: The "Silent Destroyer"

Termites are often referred to as the "silent destroyer" because they can take up residence in your home or yard without any signs of immediate damage. All termites consume cellulose-based plant materials. Unfortunately, this can lead to a termite infestation, as all homes regardless of construction type can provide cellulose. Damage may not be apparent until infestation is full blown. As a result, a pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks will need to uncover the source of the infestation. A B Pest Control and Insulation can control termites and prevent them from reappearing in the future. Here are some common signs of termites:

Mud Tubes

Termites build and travel through mud tunnels or 'mud tubes' to protect themselves from predators and dry air. If you see a line of dirt running up the block wall in a crawl space, you could have termites. Beware of bubbled paint or pencil-sized mud tubes running across concrete or connecting soil to wood.


In spring, termites erupt by the hundreds looking to find a mate and start a colony. Termites are winged insects. Look closely if you see insects crawling together or if you see a cloud of winged insects. Determine whether they are termites or ants. Ants travel in swarms too and termites can be commonly mistaken for ants.

Visibly Damaged Wood

Termites will hollow out wood, leaving a paper-thin surface. It may appear blistered or peeling. Look for wood that has been hollowed into. Soil is typically mixed in with the wood. Termites prefer soft or previously damaged wood, but will eat most anything. 

Control Termites From Entering Your Home

The best way to prevent a termite infestation is to prevent them from coming into your home. To keep termites from damaging your property, keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry. A B Pest Control and Insulation can install a vapor barrier in your crawl space that makes it become a conditioned living area. This means it gets rid of moisture, heating problems, odors, and vents that go to the exterior. Here are some common ways termites can cause damage to your property:

  • Termites are able to access homes in soil against siding. This happens due to the slope of most homes in the area. Make sure to keep landscape blocks, and soil at least a couple of inches from the start of the siding, stucco, or other building materials.
  • Scrap lumber left in the crawlspace or in the foundation itself.
  • Leaking faucets, water pipes, and AC units on the outside of your home.
  • Fascia and soffits and any rotted trim and roof shingles.
  • Weather stripping and loose mortar around the foundation and windows.
  • Water not properly routed away from your house through non-functioning downspouts and gutters.
  • Firewood not stored at least 20 feet away from your home and 5 inches above the ground.
  • Mulch kept 15 inches or closer to the foundation.
  • Rotting tree stumps on your property. 


A B Pest Control and Insulation Prevents and Treats Termites

A termite inspection is recommended every one to three years. Homes with previous termite infestations should be re-inspected every year. An exterminator at the Lake of the Ozarks should be contacted if termite activity is suspected. A B Pest Control and Insulation offers termite inspections and preventative termite treatments for new and existing homes and buildings. We also offer an advanced termite treatment that is two to six times faster than baiting systems. You can count on us to find the right solution for your termite infestation at the Lake of the Ozarks

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