Thursday, September 29, 2022

Country Bugs vs. City Pests: What’s the Difference?

Missouri is an interesting state due to its diversity. It’s easy to find a ton of rural land throughout Missouri. On the other hand, there are some urban areas, as well. That means there’s different types of pests to deal with.


Most people don’t pay attention to differences in country vs. city pests because they’re used to one or the other. However, it’s super useful to acknowledge these differences for a few reasons. It’s crucial to decipher between the two when relaying this information to your local pest control company near mid-Missouri. It’s also important because different creatures require different treatments and ways to prevent them.


We at, A B Pest Control, want to outline the differences of country and city pests for your future reference.


Country Pests


When you think about the concrete jungle, AKA the city, you don’t picture mosquitoes, ticks, and snakes. That’s because those types of critters need a certain type of ecosystem to exist.


For one, usually where wild animals wander is where we tend to find ticks and other animal-related insects. Whereas mosquitoes are drawn to bodies of water. That means wherever there’s a lake or pond, we tend to get more mosquitoes swarming.


City Pests


While it’s nice to live in an urban area, you’re not completely exempt from critters. Living in the city, you’ll see pests that are able to adapt to their surroundings to survive. Because of their adaptability, you’ll see pests, such as, cockroaches, termites, and bed bugs. Since cockroaches and bed bugs tend to find urban shelter, you’ll normally see these two types of bugs multiply quickly once they’ve found a good place to rest.


Termites reside deep underground and will eat away at building foundations because a good portion of their diet is building materials, such as wood, carpet, sheetrock, etc.


While there are many different types of pests that pop up in different settings, it’s good to get familiar with the critters in the area you reside. While country and city pests are different, suburban areas tend to get a mix of the two, as well.


With that being said, A B Pest Control is happy to serve you and your family. Whether you’re in the city or country, we hope you stay pest-free this fall.


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Friday, September 23, 2022

4 Autumn Pest Control Prevention Tips for Your Home


Every season brings in a new community of pests. This fall season, we want to make sure that your home is extra cozy by keeping the pests out. The colder months bring new difficulties with pests looking for warm shelter and protection from weather conditions.


A B Pest Control wants to prepare you to take the correct precautions for your home. Although these methods are effective, sometimes pests are still able to find a way in. In that case, call your local pest control company near mid-Missouri.

1.    Clean your outdoor trash cans regularly.


The number one thing that pests look for are food. The best place in your home for pests to find food is in the trash cans. Rotten and expired food tends to give off the most stench and therefore attracts different creatures. Not only should you regularly clean debris off the inside of your trash can, but also, it’s best to keep your outdoor trash cans away from your home.


2.    Maintain clear gutters.


One of the best things about fall is that the leaves change colors and begin to fall. Unfortunately, due to leaves falling, they will get stuck in our gutters at home. It’s important to clean these out because if there becomes an overflow, water damage is bound to happen. This causes easy access for pests.


3.    Any holes or openings on the exterior of your home should be sealed.


Just as much as we don’t like the cold, neither do rodents or certain insects. Therefore, these creatures are searching for any openings or holes in buildings, which a lot of times happen to be our homes. That’s why it’s crucial to thoroughly inspect the exterior of your home for holes. Then, seal off these openings with cement or a steel covering.


4.    Check your dryer vents and exhaust fan vents to make sure they’re pest-proof.


Colder months tend to require heat throughout your home. Due to that, your dryer and exhaust fan vents will push out heat. Due to the warmth of the air, rodents are attracted to it and try to get into the vents. Find your vents and cover them to prevent rodents from crawling into these spaces.

Although there are many ways to prevent pests in your home, it’s important to stick to the basics. At A B Pest Control, we will do our best to keep you up to date on methods and practices to prevent infestation. However, if it gets beyond your means, we are at your service! Stay cozy this fall.


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Friday, September 16, 2022

3 Common Pest Control Myths Debunked

 With the internet being a huge information provider for us these days, sometimes things get lost in translation. Pest control is no exception to this rule. In the era of DIY and at-home projects, taking care of infestation at home has become normal. However, at A B Pest Control we want to make sure you have the right information so you and your family stay safe!

Yellowjackets are NOT the same as Bees or Hornets


A common mistake is to label all insects with black and yellow markings bees or hornets. However, yellow jackets are very common in this area of Missouri. To distinguish yellow jackets, you’ll notice that they’re shinier and brighter. They do not appear fuzzy or dull-colored.


Hornets, on the other hand, have a shade of brown throughout their stripes rather than just yellow and black. Because of this, they can appear duller. Plus, hornets are way larger than yellow jackets.


Bees are similar to hornets only in the fact that they have duller colors. However, bees are usually fatter, have wider legs, and appear to be fuzzy.


P.S. Try your best not to run away from these black and yellow insects because it can make the situation worse!


Clean Homes Don’t Have Bugs


Unfortunately, as much as we do to keep pests out of our homes by cleaning and reorganizing it, sometimes it’s not enough to keep them from wandering in. Although picking up crumbs and getting rid of clutter can help, it’s not always fool-proof and sometimes the professionals are necessary.


DIY Methods Kill Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are professionals at multiplying without us noticing. Although you can find DIY methods at home to get rid of bed bugs here and there, a lot of the times it’s not enough to get rid of all of them. They can hide and fit in tight spaces that we normally don’t check. It’s a good idea to contact your local pest control near mid-Missouri if you still notice the presence of bed bugs.

Although there are many myths floating amongst forums and blogs, we want to cover the most important that will change the game for you. If you ever have questions or concerns pertaining pests, give A B Pest Control a call and we’re more than happy to help service you.


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Ways to Protect Your Lawn and Shrubs from Pests this Winter

 When it comes to a manicured lawn, wintertime maintenance is left on the back burner. Before winter sets in, it’s best to start preparing your lawn right now for the cold, snow, and pests by calling your local pest control company near mid-Missouri for an inspection. That way you can anticipate any pests from invading in or around your home.


During the fall months, nearing winter, most pests seek out warm shelter as temperatures drop. The easiest accessibility for these pests? Your home, your lawn, your shrubs, etc. If pests can find shelter somewhere in your lawn, they’re sure to either destroy it or head for your home. A B Pest Control has come up ways to best prevent this from occurring.

Water Your Lawn


Although it might seem like snow would keep your lawn hydrated, it has the opposite effect. Snow suffocates your lawn and shrubs from getting hydration. Watering and maintaining your lawn’s hydration before it snows will help with moisture throughout the rest of winter. This will also help combat any damage that pests might do to dry out your lawn.



Get Rid of Debris


Clearing your lawn free of not only trash, but also dead leaves is so helpful for pest control. Pests tend to find temporary homes until piles of leaves or branches, which also can kill your lawn from depriving it of water, sun, and air.


Cover Up Your Shrubs


This might sound counterproductive when earlier it was noted that snow dehydrates plants. However, covering up shrubs and plants can protect them from the cold temperatures. It’s best to use covers or plastic specifically made for plants because this will be the most effective. Additionally, it’s important to secure the plants completely by securing the cover to the ground. This will help not only keep the cold out, but also, the pests, too. Plant and shrub covers are a double whammy.

While nothing is completely fool proof, these are awesome precautions to take to minimize damage to your lawn especially from pests. If you still find issues with pests invading your space, reach out to A B Pest Control for consultation. We wish you a wonderful fall and hopes that no one “bugs” you too much! 


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