Friday, September 24, 2021

Does Your Home Have Pesticide Infused Insulation?

The end of September marks the transition from summer to fall. With the upcoming cooler weather, pests, such as spiders and rodents, will be seeking warmth and protection from the outside environment, which likely means within your home. Cooler weather also means that people will be switching their thermostat from cool to heat soon. Will your home's insulation keep up? In addition to pest control services, A B Pest Control is also a full-service insulation company at the Lake of the Ozarks. Here's how we can help keep your home at a comfortable temperature, while preventing pests at the same time:

Keep Your House Cool or Warm
Our pesticide infused insulation works just the same as regular insulation. Proper insulation in your home ensures that the cool stays in when it's hot outside and that the heat stays in when it's cold outside. However, not only will you feel more comfortable in your home, you can also save money on your energy bill, as your HVAC system will not have to work as hard cooling or heating your home. Air that escapes through your home wastes a lot of energy. According to the Energy Star website, "most homes in the United States don't have enough insulation and have significant air leaks." It also states that if you add up all the leaks and gaps in a typical home, it would be like having a window open every day of the year.

Keep Bugs Out!
The best part about our pesticide infused insulation is the fact that it keeps pests out. Regular insulation can keep pests at bay, but what makes our pesticide infused insulation special is that not only does it regulate the temperature in your home, it also kills common pests. No more having to worry about spiders finding their way inside your home. Our Pesticide Infused Insulation can keep out common insects, such as ants, spiders, centipedes, crickets, silverfish and termites.

The Best Time To Check Your Insulation Is Now!
Now is the best time to check your home's insulation levels. Over time, insulation settles and needs to be refilled. When insulation settles, it will not work as effectively to cool your home. With the summer coming to an end, make sure your home is prepared for the upcoming cooler season. Now is the time to check to make sure your home is properly insulated, so you do not have to worry about it when the temperatures drop.

Keep Your Home Sealed and Bug-Free with A B Pest Control & Insulation
With the fall season comes cooler air and pests seeking shelter. Make sure your home is protected from both with A B Pest Control & Insulation's pesticide infused insulation! Visit our website at or call 573-964-1100 to request a FREE quote on your insulation needs. No job is too big or small, we insulate commercial or residential, new or existing. Our insulation team has many years of experience in the insulation business, so you can trust that we'll get the job done right.


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Thursday, September 16, 2021

5 Home Maintenance Items to Tackle Before Fall Arrives

As the fall season slowly creeps in on us and the temperatures begin to cool off, bugs, rodents and other pests will be seeking refuge for the coming winter months. By continuing to be proactive in your pest prevention and lawn maintenance, you can prevent these unwanted pests from making themselves cozy in your home. Here are 5 home maintenance items to tackle to protect your home before fall arrives.

1. Secure Access Points
If there's even the smallest of entry points to get into your home, pests will likely find it. Check all of your entry doors, windows and screens for any gaps or tears that could be an easy access point for pests. Caulking window frames, installing weather stripping and replacing torn screens can be a very quick and inexpensive fix to prevent pest infestations. If you're unsure of where pests are entering from, we recommend contacting a professional who can locate and fix any potential hazards. Don't forget to check your attic and crawl space as well!

2. Eliminate Food Sources
Oftentimes, the reason pests have taken refuge in your home is because of easy access to a food source. Whether it be your kitchen pantry, bathroom soap scum buildup, left out pet food, or dishes in the sink, these are all things that can and likely will attract pests. Some simple tips to eliminate the temptation is to regularly clean out your pantry and check packaging for pest damage, keep your shower, sink and toilet area clean, don't leave your pet food bowls left out - pick them up and clean them once they're done eating. Simple housekeeping items like this will help prevent pests from finding a delicious meal in your home.

3. Get Rid of Leaf Piles
Another way to prevent pests from entering your home is to keep leaf piles away from your home's foundation and entryways. Pests and rodents will hide out in leaf piles because it offers a dark, damp and safe place to hide. If there are leaves piled up against your home's foundation or near a doorway, it could create opportunity for them to easily find their way indoors.

4. Have Your Insulation Checked
If pests DO get into your crawlspace or attic, chances are you may have some insulation damage that's causing energy loss. Poor insulation quality can really make those energy bills jump in the fall and winter months. At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer pesticide-infused insulation that helps to prevent pests from taking over. If you want to check on the health of your current insulation and get a quote to have it replaced with 
pesticide-infused insulation, give us a call. We'll provide you with all the information you need to make a decision.

5. Schedule Routine Pest Control
A sure-fire way to prevent pests is to get on our schedule for routine pest control treatments. Treating once or twice a year simply isn't enough to ensure a pest-free home. Typically a single treatment will last up to 30 days, and then begins to wear off. It's essential to have your home and lawn treated on a regular basis for the best preventive outcome. At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer flexible scheduling to work with your schedule and budget.

Don't Leave Your Pest Control to Amateurs
By tackling these 5 home maintenance items, you should be able to enjoy the fall season without the hassle of pests! A B Pest Control & Insulation can help you protect your home from all pests that affect Central Missouri from ants and spiders to termites and roaches and everything in between. Make sure pests don't invade your home and contact a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company today. You can schedule an appointment with A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100.


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Friday, September 10, 2021

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Mice

Rodents are sneaky little pests who like to seek shelter in the comfort of our homes. While most of us know what mice look like, and that they're completely unwanted in our homes, we tend to find that many people don't really know that much about mice. In order to understand why mice find refuge in our homes, it's important to know a little about them first. So, this week, we're sharing with you 5 facts you didn't know about mice.

1. Mice Are Very Common Pests
Each fall, mice and other rodents invade an estimated 21 million homes in the United States. Mice typically enter our homes between October and February, looking for food, water, and shelter from the cold.

2. Mice Eat A LOT!
Despite their tiny bodies (and even smaller stomachs!), mice eat between 15 and 20 times a day. Because of their frequent eating habits, they prefer to build their homes near food sources. To prevent mice and other pests from getting into your food, store all pantry items items in hard, plastic containers with a tightly sealed lid.

3. Mice Are Very Agile
Mice are good jumpers, climbers, and swimmers. In fact, mice can jump a foot into the air, allowing them to easily climb up onto kitchen counters or into pantries to access food. 

4. Mice Can Be Super Tiny When They Need To Be 
Mice can squeeze through openings as small as the size of a dime. This means that a small crack or opening on the exterior of your home (such as where utility pipes enter) is like an open door for mice. Prevent mice from gaining access to your home by sealing any openings on the exterior with a silicone caulk. You can also fill gaps and holes inside your home with steel wool.

5. One Mouse Can Turn Into Many!
A female house mouse can give birth when they are only two months old, and they are able to have to up to a dozen babies every three weeks. This means she could have as many as 150 offspring in a single year! If you spot a mouse in your home, it is safe to assume there are more or there will be soon. It’s best to contact a licensed pest professional before the infestation grows out of control.

Call A B Pest Control & Insulation for Your Pest Control Needs!
Now that you know a little more about the habits of mice, you'll be better prepared to address them if you find them in your home. Luckily, a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks can help you if you find them in your home. A B Pest Control & Insulation is here for all your pest control needs, just schedule an appointment by calling 573-964-1100.


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