Friday, April 30, 2021

A-Z with A B Pest & Insulation: Insects & Insulation

At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer multiple services for your convenience. From pest control to lawn maintenance and turf management to insulation services, we can handle all of these tasks for you! This week, we'll be continuing our series by discussing two different sectors of our business with A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Insects and Insulation.

This time of year brings more than just beautiful weather and sunshine. For homeowners, it can also bring unwanted guests into your home. Some of the most common household pests are coming out of hibernation and are looking for their next meal. Let's take a look at some of the common insects you'll see around your home this time of year. 

Cockroaches are a common problem throughout the United States. Once they make themselves comfortable in your home, it can be hard to get rid of them. Not only can they snack on your food, they can damage your walls, personal items and electronics. If that wasn’t bad enough, some species of cockroaches can spread diseases to you and your family.

Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks are prevalent in the Lake of the Ozarks area because of the warm, humid climate. Fleas and ticks are hard to get rid of due to their small size and their resilience. If you've got pets, you're more likely to encounter fleas and ticks because they're a primary source for food for these little parasites.  The best way to get rid of fleas and ticks for good is to call A B Pest and Insulation. 

Gnats are a very common pest problem. They are often seen around lakes, rivers and any form of standing water, which is why the Lake of the Ozarks area sees so many of them. Gnats are pesky little insects, especially when they have entered your home. But you can prevent them by eliminating their food and water sources. Keep a clean house. Don't overwater plants. Cover trash cans and empty them often. 

We've got a lot of different species of spiders around here, but there are 2 that are especially dangerous. Missouri, especially the Lake of the Ozarks area, is home to two deadly spiders: brown recluses and black widows. These spiders are not known to be aggressive, but will attack when they feel threatened. Avoid spiders in your home by having A B Pest Control and Insulation spray for them.

Air leaks throughout your home increase heating and cooling bills by letting unconditioned air in and conditioned air out. Sealing and installing a good quality insulation can improve your home's efficiency. Loose-fill or batt insulation is typically installed, as loose-fill insulation is usually less expensive to install than batt insulation, and provides better coverage when installed properly.

Three Types Of Insulation

Cellulose Insulation
Cellulose insulation is great for insulating empty spaces, such as attics and crawl spaces. Cellulose insulation is thick, dense, and clumpy, with a consistency much like down feathers. The chief value of this shape and size is that the insulation can fit in enclosed areas (such as walls) and can conform around obstructions such as wires and ducts (found both in walls and in attics).

Fiberglass Insulation
Fiberglass is a type of fiber primarily composed of glass that is used as a residential and commercial thermal insulator. As an insulator, it slows the spread of heat, cold, and sound in structures. By trapping pockets of air, it keeps rooms warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and thereby serves as a convenient method to increase energy efficiency. Commonly found in blanket form, called batts, it is available in standard pre-cut lengths and widths. Fiberglass insulation also comes as loose fill that can be blown into attic, wall and floor cavities.

Foam Spray
Spray foam insulation offers a dynamic option that is suitable for almost any insulation need. Spray foam insulation has a versatile application method, which gives it a significant advantage over traditional options. It can be applied in narrow areas, blocking gaps and cracks that allow heat transfer. While foam spray insulation is typically a more costly option, it is designed to last and typically requires less cost for repair over the years.

If you have unwanted pests around your house or would like to have us take a look at your current insulation situation, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call! From pest control to lawn maintenance and insulation services - A to Z, we cover it all!


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Friday, April 23, 2021

6 Common Wasps of Missouri

If you've been outside recently, you've likely encountered a few wasps. Yep, it's that time of year again. They're starting to make their way out and are hard at work building their nests. If you've ever had the misfortune of being stung, you're probably likely to high tail it out of their direct vicinity and ask questions later. While some wasps are aggressive and should be avoided, others aren't so territorial and can actually be beneficial to have around! This week we're sharing with you some information about 6 common Missouri wasp species you'll likely encounter.

1. Yellowjackets
Two yellowjacket species are most common throughout Missouri: the eastern yellowjacket and the southern yellowjacket. They usually build their nests in underground holes and only occasionally in aboveground cavities, meaning you're at risk of getting stung when you're trying to enjoy a day in your own back yard. Yellowjackets aggressively defend their nests and will be most aggressive in late summer and fall. Because yellowjackets forage for meats, sweets, ripe fruit and garbage, they pose a threat to humans even when they are not near their nests. It's best to leave nest removal and pest control to professionals when dealing with yellowjackets.

2. Bald-faced Hornet
Bald-faced hornets build paper nests at least three or more feet off of the ground, usually in trees, shrubs, on overhangs, utility poles, houses, sheds or other structures. Bald-faced hornets are beneficial because they capture other insects as prey to feed their larvae. However, bald-faced hornets are aggressive and will attack anyone or anything that invades their space, unlike other stinging insects that may only rarely sting when they feel extremely threatened. Because of their aggressive nature, it's best to leave pest control and removal to a professional.

6. European Hornet
The European hornet is more common in southern Missouri, but not obsolete from our region. It is dark brown with yellow and reddish markings. European hornets are much larger than yellowjackets and, unlike most stinging insects, can be active at night. It usually nests in a hollow tree or log, or within buildings. European hornets can do a great deal of damage to trees and shrubs because they strip the bark to get to the sap. Although it is a large wasp and may cause alarm due to its size, this wasp is actually not very aggressive. While they're typically not aggressive unless provoked, they do have smooth stingers, which allow them to sting over and over again.

4. Paper Wasps
Paper wasps find a place to hide out in the fall for winter, then make their reappearance in the springtime to begin constructing their nests. They are easily identified by their slender and variously colored bodies with brown, red and yellow. Paper wasps often build nests in residential yards, so one of the main signs of an infestation is the physical sighting of the nest itself and nearby wasps moving around the nest. Paper wasps are not as aggressive as yellowjackets or hornets in defense of their nest. While not an aggressive species by nature, paper wasps will sting if they are disturbed or their nest is threatened.

5. Mud Daubers
Mud daubers are solitary wasps, meaning they are not social and do not live in colonies. They build mud nests in sheltered areas. These nests are tube-like cells often positioned side by side. Mud daubers are not aggressive, don't defend their nests, and usually sting only when pinned against the skin. These insects are typically considered nuisance pests, and are actually beneficial as they help control spiders. Some species of mud dauber even feed on dangerous black widow spiders.

6. Cicada Killer Wasps
The cicada killer wasp is brownish-black with yellow markings on the abdomen and face. Although their size is intimidating, cicada killers are not aggressive and will sting humans only if pinned against the skin. They'll be seen mostly in the early summer months. They are dirt diggers and like to burrow near the edge of wooded areas, gardens and waste places. The only damage these wasps cause is the unsightly dirt piles dug out to create nests. The piles usually disappear with the first rain. Because cicada killers are beneficial and they help to control the cicada population, pest control efforts are typically not needed.

Err On the Side of Caution with A B Pest Control & Insulation
While not all wasps cause danger to humans, it's important to err on the side of caution, as any wasp will become territorial when they feel threatened. While some of them are scary to run into, others can be beneficial and keep other more frightening pests away. However, if you feel that pest removal and control is necessary to ensure the safety of you and your family, we highly recommend contacting a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks to handle your wasp infestation. If you've got a nest or two that you need removed, give us a call!


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Friday, April 16, 2021

Got Skunks? We Can Help!

Skunks may look cute and cuddly, but can actually be a real nuisance. Not only are skunks smelly creatures, they can fill your yard with holes, and if you have chickens or ducks on your property, they will more than likely go after them. Skunks are also known for carrying several diseases, including rabies. Your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks knows there are many reasons you don’t want to have skunks on your property, so we thought we'd put together some tips to help you keep skunks away. 

Keep Your Yard Clean

Woodpiles or anything similar creates a playground and hiding spot for skunks. Make sure that if you have a woodpile that it is stacked properly and there are no places for a skunk to get in and nest. Skunks are also scavengers and will eat many things that they find on the ground. Things like acorns, nuts, and other fruits that fall to the ground will likely attract a skunk into your yard. If you have any trees that drop nuts or fruits, it’s important to clean up anything that has fallen or that is on the ground to help eliminate any food sources for a skunk and other critters. If you feed your pets outside, you’ll want to make sure that you bring their food and water bowls in before dark. This will also help deter critters and skunks from coming into your yard.

Check for Possible Den Areas

Skunks, like other pests, are opportunists. This means that they will make their dens in places that other animals have abandoned. Skunks are also great diggers, they will easily be able to dig a den under structures. In order to help deter skunks from taking residence in your yard, you should make sure they don’t have access to abandoned burrows and they can’t easily create one around the base of your home. There are steps you can take to ensure they can’t burrow below your home, but it’s best to leave that up to a professional.

Call a Trained Wildlife Professional

When it comes skunks, there are certain means of skunk control that are illegal. It’s best to leave your skunk problem to the specially trained wildlife technicians. If you attempt to DIY this, you could end up harming yourself, getting bitten, or even sprayed by the skunk.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a Call

When it comes down to skunk removal, it’s best to call your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks who are specially trained and can help take care of your problem. For all of your wildlife and nuisance animal needs, A B Pest Control & Insulation is here to help. 


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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Preventing Ticks Around Your Home

The weather is really warming up and more and more people are spending their days outdoors. If you’ve spent any amount of time outside within the last few weeks, you’ve probably noticed how bad the ticks are already this year. A B Pest Control & Insulation knows that tick season will soon be fully underway, but it seems as if this tick season is starting early and already pretty bad. Protect your pets and your home from ticks and give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today. Here's what you need to know about ticks and their tricks!

Types of Ticks in Missouri

Deer Tick or Blacklegged Tick
These ticks are extremely small and are only the size of a sesame seed. Deer ticks are the best known for transmitting Lyme Disease. Their lifespan is about two to three years and requires at least three blood meals to survive each phase of life. In order to transmit Lyme Disease, a deer tick must be attached to their host for at least 24 hours. Luckily for us, rodents and deer are the preferred hosts for deer ticks. These ticks are usually found in the woods and in areas with overgrown vegetation.

Lone Star Tick
You can distinguish a lone star tick by its white dot or star in the center of it’s back. These ticks are the most active from April through the end of July. Lone star ticks are aggressive feeders and are often found on dogs and cats. This tick can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and ehrlichiosis. Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI), can occur after a lone star tick bites. Those symptoms include rash, headache, and fatigue, and are similar to the symptoms of Lyme Disease. Luckily, STARI can be cured with an oral antibiotic.

American Dog Tick
The American dog tick is a 3-host tick. They target small and large mammals. These ticks are normally found on dogs, but they will attack larger animals like cows and horses. These ticks are usually brown or a reddish-brown in color and they have gray/silver markings on their back. American dog ticks are the most active from mid-April to early September.

Proper Tick Removal

While it may be tempting to pull ticks from your beloved pets when you see them, there is a right and wrong way of removing them to prevent mouth-parts from being left behind. Improper removal can cause infection of the bite area. 
  • Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible.
  • Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.
  • After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
  • Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by putting it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet.

Prevent Ticks Around Your Home

While you may not be able to fully prevent a single tick from entering your yard, there are steps to make sure you don’t have an invasion of them.

Keep your yard tidy – it’s important to remove all leaf litter and keep your grass trimmed short. If you live near a wooded area, you can place gravel or woodchips between the edge or your grass and the wooded area to help create a barrier.

Keep deer away – making sure deer don’t come on your property is a great way to help keep ticks away. Remove plants that attract deer and create physical barriers that will discourage them from entering your yard.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a call – it’s important to have your home and yard regularly sprayed for ticks and other pesky bugs. This will be one of the most effective ways to protect your pet and home from ticks and the diseases they may be carrying.

Your Lake of the Ozarks Pest Control Company

While ticks may sound terrifying, there are ways to help prevent them from entering your home or yard. Not all ticks carry diseases, but during these next few months, A B Pest Control & Insulation knows that it’s important to keep your eye out for them. You should always check your pets when they come inside and you should never walk through the woods or tall grass without making sure you are covered and protected. For all of your pest control needs, give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today. 


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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Easter Events at the Lake of the Ozarks

Easter is just around the corner, and there are many fun Easter events happening all around the Lake of the Ozarks. A B Pest Control & Insulation has all the details of the Easter festivities happening this weekend. Once you find the one for you and your family, hippity hop your way to a full belly and great Easter fun this weekend!

Apr 2, 2021 - Apr 3, 2021
Ballparks National
480 Kissick Way
Macks Creek, 65786

Hop on down to Lake of the Ozarks for the holiday weekend. Enjoy a Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and don't forget those Easter Baskets - you'll need something to carry your haul during the Easter Egg Hunt. Three pool games into single elimination. 

Apr 2, 2021
Kent Memorial Lutheran Church
184 Sunset Hill Drive
Sunrise Beach, MO 65079

Holy Week 2021 We will hold our Good Friday Tenebrae Service at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 2, 2021. Please join us in person (with a mask), or join us by Zoom for the service. You can contact Kent Memorial Lutheran Church at (573-374-5267) for the Zoom link for the service.

Apr 4, 2021
H. Toad's Bar & Grill
2359 Bittersweet Rd
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
Hours of Operation: 10 AM - 2 PM

Easter brunch with live entertainment at H. Toads from 10 Am - 2 PM! Adults for $33, children ages 6-12 years old for $12.99, and children 5 years and younger for free. A package can also be bought for $189 at Camden on the Lake which includes Easter brunch for 2, 20% at the Aveda Spa, and a luxurious room with a late check out.

Apr 4, 2021
Kent Memorial Lutheran Church
184 Sunset Hill Drive
Sunrise Beach, MO 65079
Hours of Operation: 8:30 am

The “He Is Risen” Easter Pageant returns this year on the grounds of Kent Memorial Lutheran Church on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. Come and enjoy the outdoor experience. The Pageant starts at 8:30, and the production lasts about 35 minutes. Come early to get a good parking spot, and bring a lawn chair or a blanket for a place to sit on the hillside that overlooks the performance area. 

You are also invited to join other services on Easter Sunday: 6:30 a.m. - Easter Sunrise Service with Holy Communion (inside the sanctuary with masks and social distancing) 8:30 a.m. - “He Is Risen” Easter Pageant on the church grounds 10:00 - Easter Service with Holy Communion (inside the sanctuary with masks and social distancing) You can also join by Zoom for the 10:00 service. Contact Kent Memorial Lutheran Church at (573-374-5267) for the Zoom link for the service.

Apr 4, 2021
Old Kinderhook Resort
56 Club Place
Camdenton, MO 65020
Hours of Operation: 11 am to 3 pm

Join Old Kinderhook for Easter Buffet Menu at The Trophy Room! A great way to spend your Sunday together with a menu the whole family can enjoy. The Easter Bunny will be there to welcome all the kids along with a Easter bag for those joining for Easter Buffet Menu. For more information visit website at 
Reservations are required at 573.317.3560
Seniors & Military=$31.95
Children=$14.95 (5-12 years old)
4 & Under=FREE

Happy Easter From A B Pest Control & Insulation
A B Pest Control & Insulation wants to wish you a Happy Easter! If you're planning to spend the holiday at home with your nearest and dearest, make sure your Easter festivities are pest free by calling a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company at 573-964-1100.


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