Friday, May 29, 2020

Who's Ready for Hot Summer Nights?

If you love all kind of cars, trucks and motorcycles as much as we at A B Pest Control & Insulation do, you'll LOVE one of the Lake's most popular events that draw in thousands every year - Hot Summer Nights! Hot Summer Nights is an award winning event, having won the Missouri Tourism Innovators Award! This event began in 2008 as a safe and fun spectators event for the entire family to enjoy, and has quickly grown into an annual favorite for people from all over the nation to enjoy!

2020 Event Details

Hot Summer Nights is a classic cruise for vintage and custom cars, trucks, & motorcycles with entertainment and family fun activities on the Historic Bagnell Dam Strip. Hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators come to the Strip for Hot summer Nights cruises and all car, truck and motorcycle enthusiasts are welcome regardless of make or model to come and participate and park to show off their ride, or cruise the Strip for all to see!

Bagnell Dam Strip
1 Bagnell Dam Blvd
Lake Ozark MO 65049

Hours of Operation: 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

2020 Dates & Themes:
June 12th: "Hot Rods & Little Duce Coupes"
July 10th: "Cruisin’ Thru The Decades"
August 14th: "Corvette-America’s Sports Car" September 11th: "A Salute to Our Military, Police, Fire Fighters & EMT’s As We Remember 9/11"
Oct 10th: "Invasion of the Rat Rods" - 11 am - 4 pm

The whole family will enjoy the nostalgic memory making atmosphere, entertainment and great shopping and dining all along the entire mile long Bagnell Dam Strip, so come join us at all the monthly Hot Summer Nights Cruises!

Of course, it is all free and no registration is required! Just come and enjoy our down to earth Lake Ozark hospitality! And since many of the Sponsors are right there on the strip, you'll have all kinds of opportunities to patronize their businesses and give them special consideration because they are the ones that make Hot Summer Nights possible!

You Can Count on A B Pest Control & Insulation
For more events at the Lake of the Ozarks, you can count on your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company. Summer is all about having fun with your friends and family and enjoying the warm weather, so don’t waste your time worrying about pests invading your lake home! You can count on A B Pest Control & Insulation to take care of all of your pesky problems so you can focus on all the good times that summer brings.


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Friday, May 22, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend Events Around the Lake of the Ozarks

Memorial Day Weekend is this weekend and there are many great ways to remember those who gave their lives fighting for our country. If you are planning on spending the long holiday weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks, there are a handful of community events to check out, from live music to fireworks displays. A B Pest Control & Insulation has the information for some of the events that will be happening over Memorial Day Weekend.

Memorial Day Weekend Events

Dr. Zhivegas Memorial Day Weekend
When: May 22, 2020 - May 24, 2020 9PM-1AM
Where: Horny Toad Entertainment Complex at Camden on the Lake
2359 Bittersweet Rd.
Lake Ozark, Missouri, 65049
Dr. Zhivegas hits the outdoor stage all weekend to help kick off the summer. FREE to Attend!! Do we even need to tell you about the legendary party band Dr. Zhivegas? 
Come check out this FREE show!

Memorial Day Re-Opening
When: May 22 - 25 Saturday 1PM
Where: Inn at Grand Glaize
5142 Osage Beach Pkwy
Osage Beach MO 65065
Homemade Bikini Contest ~ CASH PRIZES Saturday + Sunday 3pm - Cornhole Tournament Sunday 1pm - Karaoke - Outdoor Pool - Tiki Bar - Drink Specials

5 Band Festival at Regalia Hippopotamus Swim Up Bar
WhenMay 23, 2020 12PM
Where: Hippopotamus Swim Up Bar
250 Racquet Club Drive
Lake Ozark MO 65049
The Hippopotamus Swim Up Bar will be kicking off the Summer with a Five Band Festival! The gate opens at 10 am and bands start at 12pm. Bands performing will Darkwater, Old Soul Savage, The Usual Suspects, Notorious, and Relentless. Drink and food specials available all weekend long.

Fireworks at the Lake

Margaritaville Resort
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Display begins at Dusk
View by water at the 26 Mile Marker

The Lodge of Four Seasons
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Display begins at Dusk
View by water at the 13 MM

For more Lake of the Ozarks Memorial Day events, visit

Have a Great Memorial Weekend

If you're going to spend the long holiday weekend at your home at the Lake, give A B Pest Control & Insulation a call. We can help you get your home ready for your Memorial Day Weekend festivities. After your backyard BBQ fun, hop on your boat and enjoy some beautiful fireworks display out on the Lake of the Ozarks. However, make sure no pests crash the party and schedule an appointment with your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks


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Friday, May 15, 2020

May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Spring time brings out all kinds of pests. Some of them are 'good'. Some of them are only 'pesky' because they make themselves welcome in our homes and lawns. Others can actually be hazardous to our health. Ticks that transmit Lyme disease can be found everywhere you go outdoors, be it the yard, the soccer field, running around the playground, or simply walking the dog.  In fact, we are observing more and more types of disease-carrying ticks out and about this year. So, in respect to May being National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, A B Pest Control & Insulation wants to share some tips on how to prevent Lyme and tick-borne diseases.

Tick Prevention Tips
Increased tick activity combined with unreliable diagnostics and limited treatment options makes diligent tick prevention for the entire family, including pets, of utmost important. The risk of a potentially debilitating tick bite is too great. Here are 5 easy steps to remember:

Avoid areas where ticks live.
Ticks thrive in places like wood piles, leaf litter, long grass, beach grass, bushy areas, stone walls, and perimeters where the lawn meets the woods. So, avoid these particular breeding grounds if you can. Also, make sure your lawn doesn't provide any havens for them to camp out - such as leaf build up along your home's foundation. Keep your lawn clean and well-manicured to prevent ticks from getting too comfortable.

Wear light-colored clothing to spot ticks more easily.
When you do venture outdoors, make sure you dress in light colored clothing. Long-sleeved shirt tucked in at the waist, long pants tucked into high socks, closed-toe shoes, and a hat with your hair tucked in, if possible, provide better protection from tick bites. Avoid walking in the grass barefoot or in open sandals.

Apply tick repellent before going outdoors.
Apply EPA-approved tick repellent (such as DEET or picaridin) and insecticide (such as permethrin) to skin, clothing, and shoes as directed. If you prefer a more natural topical repellent solution, here are a few essential oils that have tick-repelling properties: lavender, eucalyptus, cedarwood, garlic, and geranium. Just put a few drops of your favorite oil into your favorite carrier oil or dilute into a spray bottle mixed with a little water, and apply generously.

Remove clothing upon entering the home.
Before you track ticks throughout your house and they potentially drop off of you as the cooler air hits them, remove clothing when you first enter your home. Toss them into the dryer at high temperature for 10-15 minutes to kill live ticks. Putting them in the washer will not kill them.

Examine yourself and your pets for ticks daily.
Anytime you spend any amount of time outdoors, you should examine yourself when you come back in. Feel for bumps paying close attention to the back of knees, groin, armpits, in and behind the ears, belly button, and scalp. Check everywhere. Ticks love to hide. Be especially diligent when it comes to examining your kids and pets, as they may not be able to tell you if they think they have a tick.

Schedule Your Tick Control Treatment Today!
Not all ticks carry diseases, but during these next few months, A B Pest Control & Insulation knows that it’s important to keep your eye out for them. You should always check your pets when they come inside and you should never walk through the woods or tall grass without making sure you are covered and protected. To schedule a tick treatment for your home and lawn, give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today.


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Friday, May 8, 2020

Treating a Flea Infestation

Has your pet been scratching incessantly lately? If it's not caused by ticks or dry skin, it could be fleas! Even if you have found that your pet does have fleas and have treated them, the problem may persist because the fleas still have a proximal advantage to your home. And remember, fleas can live on your blood, too, not just your pets. This can mean your "minor" flea issue could be much worse than you realize! So, this week, A B Pest Control is sharing with you some information about what is entailed in treating flea infestations.

Where are these Fleas Coming From?
Flea infestations often come from pets bringing them in from outdoors. The pests attach to your pet when its outside, and then infests its fur and the places it sleeps indoors. Other animals such as rodents, raccoons, or feral cats venturing into your yard may be the culprits bringing these pesky pests into your yard. So, the most effective ways to keep fleas from getting inside the home is to eliminate outdoor flea habitats and outdoor hosts. While you can't always prevent these animals from entering your turf, you can be proactive by treating your lawn and pets with flea control products. However, in order to effectively treat for fleas, you'll first need to understand their life-cycle. Let's take a look.

Understanding the Flea's Life-Cycle
There are four stages in the life cycle of a flea: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Depending on the environmental temperature and humidity levels, the total life cycle will take anywhere from a couple weeks to several months, or even years.
  1. A single adult female can lay about 40 eggs every day. Eggs take anywhere from two days to two weeks to develop, hatching when environmental conditions are just right for them. Larvae then emerges as the next life stage. 
  2. If conditions are favorable, the larvae will spin cocoons in about 5-20 days of hatching from their eggs. This leads to the next life stage, called the cocoon or pupae stage. 
  3. This cocoon stage is the last developmental stage before the adult flea emerges. The cocoon protects the pupae for several days or weeks before the adult flea emerges. If environmental conditions are not right for emergence, the cocoon can protect the developing flea for months, and in some cases, years. 
  4. The adult flea will not emerge until the presence of a potential host is made obvious - by vibrations, rising levels of carbon dioxide, and body heat. This can be caused by your pet walking by and brushing against the cocoon, or even from you moving around your home.
Unfortunately, this life-cycle means that getting rid of fleas can require more than one treatment to effectively eliminate the problem once an infestation has occurred.

Flea Control Services
Flea prevention for both the home and yard can be difficult, and eliminating them once an infestation occurs is even harder. Without a proactive approach, any homeowner is vulnerable to an infestation. But don't worry, you don't have to face this battle on your own. If you do experience a flea infestation, call on the Lake of the Ozarks pest control company to send those fleas packing. We can help you be victorious in eliminating and preventing those pesky pests in the future!


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Friday, May 1, 2020

Tick Season is Here. Here's What You Need to Know!

The weather is really warming up and more and more people are spending their days outdoors. If you’ve spent any amount of time outside within the last few weeks, you’ve probably noticed how bad the ticks are already this year. A B Pest Control & Insulation knows that tick season will soon be fully underway, but it seems as if this tick season is starting early and already pretty bad. Protect your pets and your home from ticks and give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today. Here's what you need to know about ticks and their tricks!

Types of Ticks in Missouri

Deer Tick or Blacklegged Tick
These ticks are extremely small and are only the size of a sesame seed. Deer ticks are the best known for transmitting Lyme Disease. Their lifespan is about two to three years and requires at least three blood meals to survive each phase of life. In order to transmit Lyme Disease, a deer tick must be attached to their host for at least 24 hours. Luckily for us, rodents and deer are the preferred hosts for deer ticks. These ticks are usually found in the woods and in areas with overgrown vegetation.

Lone Star Tick
You can distinguish a lone star tick by its white dot or star in the center of it’s back. These ticks are the most active from April through the end of July. Lone star ticks are aggressive feeders and are often found on dogs and cats. This tick can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and ehrlichiosis. Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI), can occur after a lone star tick bites. Those symptoms include rash, headache, and fatigue, and are similar to the symptoms of Lyme Disease. Luckily, STARI can be cured with an oral antibiotic.

American Dog Tick
The American dog tick is a 3-host tick. They target small and large mammals. These ticks are normally found on dogs, but they will attack larger animals like cows and horses. These ticks are usually brown or a reddish-brown in color and they have gray/silver markings on their back. American dog ticks are the most active from mid-April to early September.

Reduce Ticks in Your Yard

While you may not be able to fully prevent a single tick from entering your yard, there are steps to make sure you don’t have an invasion of them.

Keep your yard tidy – it’s important to remove all leaf litter and keep your grass trimmed short. If you live near a wooded area, you can place gravel or woodchips between the edge or your grass and the wooded area to help create a barrier.

Keep deer away – making sure deer don’t come on your property is a great way to help keep ticks away. Remove plants that attract deer and create physical barriers that will discourage them from entering your yard.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a call – it’s important to have your home and yard regularly sprayed for ticks and other pesky bugs. This will be one of the most effective ways to protect your pet and home from ticks and the diseases they may be carrying.

Your Lake of the Ozarks Pest Control Company

While ticks may sound terrifying, there are ways to help prevent them from entering your home or yard. Not all ticks carry diseases, but during these next few months, A B Pest Control & Insulation knows that it’s important to keep your eye out for them. You should always check your pets when they come inside and you should never walk through the woods or tall grass without making sure you are covered and protected. For all of your pest control needs, give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today. 


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