Thursday, September 27, 2018

Garage Sale Season: Is It Really Worth the Risk?

As the weather begins to cool off, you, along with many others around the Lake, are probably looking forward to the many garage or yard sales that will be popping up all over the area. This is prime time for finding treasures that someone else is letting go of, and for super cheap! If you are a fan of garage or yard sales, thrift stores, or even upscale antique shops, you should know that there’s a possibility that you could end up bringing home an unexpected surprise along with your bargains. Yes, we mean pest infestations of many kinds; from bed bugs to roaches to mice. 

Bed Bugs' Best Friend
Beware of upholstered sofas, armchairs, mattresses and box springs, and even clothing; even if they look clean and fresh. If they are home to bed bugs, they are very difficult to treat. Only full penetration of deep heat, prolonged cold, or expert application of pesticide will eliminate bed bugs. You should also watch out for pre-owned pillows, comforters, sheets and other bedding. However, if you do purchase these items, enclose them tightly in sealed plastic bags until you can take them to the laundry. Make sure you launder everything in hot water and dry on the highest setting available. 

Cockroaches and Electronics
Did you know that electronics and electrical appliances offer pests such as cockroaches just the right atmosphere to enhance their survival? The worst part is that this also gives them a chance to move to other homes, especially if you're getting these electronics from a yard sale. Treating electronics and appliances for cockroaches can be very tricky, as some electronics cannot be subjected to such conditions that treatment requires. Plus, if you've brought the item into your home unaware that it was home to these pests, you've probably got a bigger problem than just the electronic now. 

Nesting Their Way Into Your Home
Mice. They're notorious for nesting in furnishings. They just chew their way into the bottom part of a sofa or chair, build their nest and have a litter of babies. While it may seem to the seller like they've scared off the mice living in a piece of furnishings, they may not realize that there's a nest of adolescents hiding out inside. Before you know it, you've purchased a seemingly good piece of furniture and brought it into your home, only to find out shortly after that you also brought home a litter of destructive little rodents as well. 

When you shop at garage sales or thrift stores it’s important to check any items thoroughly. The last thing you want to do is accidentally bring home pests that can infest your home. A B Pest Control and Insulation knows first hand how resilient these pests are. If you think you might have an infestation, contact your pest control company in Lake of the Ozarks today.

Lake of the Ozarks
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What's the Deal with Woolly Bear Caterpillars?

It's that time of year when you're likely seeing those super fuzzy black and brown caterpillars roaming around everywhere. Woolly bears are easily found in the fall months seeking out shelter to hibernate in or under. If you look outside under lawn furniture, leaves, logs and rocks, your sure to find one, but since these little fellows are actively seeking safety for the winter months, you're just as likely to see them crossing the road or crawling along a sidewalk. This week, A B Pest Control & Insulation thought it'd be fun to share with you some information about the woolly bear caterpillar!

What's a Woolly Bear?
The banded woolly bear is the larval form of Pyrrharctia isabella, the Isabella tiger moth. This medium-size moth, with yellowish-orange and cream-colored wings spotted with black, is common from northern Mexico throughout the United States and across the southern third of Canada.

Woolly bears, like other caterpillars, hatch during warm weather from eggs laid by a female moth. Mature woolly bears search for overwintering sites under bark or inside cavities of rocks or logs. That’s why you see so many of them crossing roads and sidewalks in the fall. When spring arrives, woolly bears spin fuzzy cocoons and transform inside them into full-grown moths. The adult moth isn't very attractive when compared to other species. It has golden-brown wings. They also have faint darker brown lines on their wings and the females have a pinkish-orange hind wing.

Will They Damage the Lawn?
The nice thing is that the caterpillar isn't a crop pest and mostly feeds on common deciduous forest trees such as elm, ash, low growing herbs, and other forest plants. They are particularly fond of narrow leafed plantation which is a common garden weed that is found in lawns. This particular caterpillar is not known to feed extensively on ornamental landscape plants or vegetables. The caterpillars rarely cause concern in gardens and lawns because the damage they do occurs so late in the growing season.

Can Woolly Bears Really Predict the Winter? 
The Old Farmer's Almanac shares legend that the woolly bear caterpillars can predict what type of winter we'll have! According to folklore, the Woolly Bear caterpillar has 13 distinct segments of either rusty brown or black. The wider the rusty brown sections (or the more brown segments there are), the milder the coming winter will be. The more black there is, the more severe the winter.

More recent studies state there could be a link between winter severity and the brown band of a woolly bear caterpillar. Evidence suggests that the number of brown hairs has to do with the age of the caterpillar. In other words, how late it got going in the spring. So, going off of this theory, the band likely does say something about a heavy winter or an early spring... from the the previous year.

What do you think? Is the folklore accurate? Do the woolly bears you've seen tell a story reflecting last year's winter or do you think it's an indication of this coming winter? While these fuzzy little creatures are not cause for concern if you find them around your home, it's best to leave them where you find them so they can go about their business of finding a safe place to hibernate for the winter. 
At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we appreciate all things pest related. And, of course, we are firm believers in the more you know, the better prepared you can be! As previously stated, woolly bears are not a pest to be concerned about. But if you do find unwanted pests lurking around your home this fall, be sure to give us a call! We'll help get rid of any pest problems you may have inside and outside!

Lake of the Ozarks
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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ensure Your Home is Properly Sealed and Insulated with A B Pest Control & Insulation

September is here, which means we're beginning to feel the transition from summer to fall. With the upcoming cooler weather, pests will be seeking the warmth of your home. Cooler weather also means that people will be switching their thermostat from cool to heat soon. If your home isn't properly sealed and insulated, this could mean you're unknowingly inviting pests to take refuge in your home, and also paying more for energy costs than necessary. This is where we can step in to help. In addition to pest control services, A B Pest Control is also a full-service insulation company at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Regulate Temperature More Effectively
Our pesticide infused insulation works just the same as regular insulation. Proper insulation in your home ensures that the cool stays in when it's hot outside and that the heat stays in when it's cold outside. However, not only will you feel more comfortable in your home, you can also save money on your energy bill, as your HVAC system will not have to work as hard cooling or heating your home. Air that escapes through your home wastes a lot of energy. According to the Energy Star website, "most homes in the United States don't have enough insulation and have significant air leaks." It also states that if you add up all the leaks and gaps in a typical home, it would be like having a window open every day of the year.

Keep the Pests from Entering Your Home
The best part about our pesticide infused insulation is the fact that it keeps pests out. Regular insulation can keep pests at bay, but what makes our pesticide infused insulation special is that not only does it regulate the temperature in your home, it also kills common pests. No more having to worry about spiders finding their way inside your home. Our Pesticide Infused Insulation can keep out common insects, such as ants, spiders, centipedes, crickets, silverfish and termites.

The Best Time To Check Your Insulation Is Now!
Now is the best time to check your home's insulation levels. Over time, insulation settles and needs to be refilled. When insulation settles, it will not work as effectively to cool your home. With the summer coming to an end, make sure your home is prepared for the upcoming cooler season. Now is the time to check to make sure your home is properly insulated, so you do not have to worry about it when the temperatures drop.

Keep Your Home Sealed and Bug-Free with A B Pest Control & Insulation
With the fall season comes cooler air and pests seeking shelter. Make sure your home is protected from both with A B Pest Control & Insulation's pesticide infused insulation! Visit our website at or call 573-964-1100 to request a FREE quote on your insulation needs. No job is too big or small, we insulate commercial or residential, new or existing. Our insulation team has many years of experience in the insulation business, so you can trust that we'll get the job done right.

Lake of the Ozarks
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Friday, September 7, 2018

Protecting Your Home from a Fall Invasion

As Summer winds down and the temperatures begin to cool off, bugs, rodents and other pests will be seeking refuge for the coming winter months. Will they find it in your home? By continuing to be proactive in your pest prevention and lawn maintenance, you can prevent these unwanted pests from making themselves cozy in your humble abode. Here are a few things you need to do to protect your home from a Fall invasion.

Keep those Fallen Leaves Raked Up
As the days get shorter, trees will begin shedding their leaves as they enter survival mode to prepare for the colder months. These leaves end up on the ground and all over your yard, and become a safe haven for many pests. When it comes to preventing pest infestation, raking up and disposing of your leaves is one of the most important things you can do this fall. It's important to rake up your leaves, not only to help prevent pests but also for the health of your lawn. When your lawn is covered in dead and decaying leaves, lawn maintenance becomes almost nonexistent. Having a lawn covered in leaves makes it hard to re-seed and fertilize. This can lead to dead spots and it will show in your yard when spring comes around.

It's Time to Prep Your Lawn for Spring
Fall is the best time to start making corrections to your lawn in preparation for next Spring. Compact soil prevents grass from establishing a healthy root system and it keeps water and fertilizer from reaching the roots. Aeration can help relieve soil compaction, which allows the nutrients in the fertilizers and water to reach the soil, allowing your grass to grow healthier. Fall is a great time to aerate and fertilize your lawn as temperatures are beginning to drop, making the soil's temperature perfect for germination.

Prevent Pests from Getting into Your Home
Mice and other rodents may try to begin entering your home looking for a warm shelter with food and water through any small crack or hole. Access points can be anything from a pipe or vent to a broken seal around a window or door. They can chew through insulation and other easy access points. Inspect your home for any place you think a mouse could get through. Ensure all window and door frames, as well as utility pipes that lead to the outside, are sealed tightly. If you have screens on your windows or doors, make sure they're in tact and repair them if necessary.

Protect Your Home from a Fall Invasion with A B Pest Control & Insulation
While it may be tempting to let nature do its thing this Fall, remember that a poorly maintained lawn can become a pest's breeding ground. In turn, this could be misconstrued as a welcoming invite for those pests to enter your humble abode. If you have any unwanted critters in your home or need assistance maintaining your lawn this Fall, call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100. By calling a professional, you can make sure these pests are removed and your home's premises is properly treated and maintained, you can be sure those pests don't come back.


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