Saturday, May 28, 2016

Avoid a Spider Infestation on Your Dock

Summer is here and that means bug season is in full swing. A B Pest Control and Insulation can help with all your pest and insulation needs, including your dock. Spiders are the number one pest problem when it comes to docks. The lake area is in the midst of its rainy season, which brings out a variety of different spiders, such as the orb spider. As your #1 pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks, we can help you avoid and get rid of any infestation one may encounter with the orb spider.

Orb Spiders

Orb spiders, or commonly known as garden spiders, are named because of their web-spinning behavior. They make the classic, round "orb" web that most people associate with spiders. There are many species of spiders that fall under the orb spider family. The orb weaver family varies drastically in size and appearance, more so than any other spider family. Typically, the female orb weaver spider has a large golf ball like abdomen and a smaller head. Other common female shapes include long legs and bright colors. Male orb weavers are much smaller than their female counterparts and are not seen as often, as they do not spin webs. 

Warning Signs

Orb spiders typically stay anywhere with abundant prey and structure to support their web. Food for orb spiders vary but typically include small insects they catch in their webs. These can often be located near bodies of waters, which is why orb spiders are found on docks. Orb spiders will build their webs on supporting structures that protect them from the wind, like the beams on the cover of docks. Female orb weavers produce one or more egg sacs and each sac may contain up to several hundred eggs.

Orb spiders are nonaggressive and will only attack if they feel threatened. The best way to avoid orb spiders and prevent an infestation is to have a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company come spray your home and dock. A B Pest Control and Insulation is the most trusted pest control company in the Lake area. Call 573-964-1100 today to request a free quote. 

Lake of the Ozarks
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Your Top Mosquito Questions Answered

Not only are mosquitoes annoying because of the itchy bites they leave, but they also pose a serious threat to humans. Often times, mosquitoes are described as one of the deadliest animals in the world due to the diseases that they transmit. However, many of the documented deaths resulting from mosquito bites are from travelers. The West Nile virus and dengue fever are of greatest concern in the United States. In any case, it is critical to keep yourself and your home protected from mosquitoes. A Lake of the Ozarks pest control company can evaluate your property for a mosquito problem. A B Pest Control and Insulation can offer a mosquito solution to eliminate them from your space. Below we answer some questions about these pesky insects:

Where Are Mosquitoes Found?

Mosquitoes are found throughout the United States, although some are more common in certain regions. Most mosquitoes feed only at dusk and dawn, but there are some species that feed during the day. Considering mosquitoes lay eggs in water, they are commonly found around marshes and lakes, but can breed in as little as a half inch of standing water. Therefore, it is important for homeowners to check their property for containers that could be collecting water and providing a safe harbor for mosquitoes to grow.

Are Mosquitoes Dangerous?

With mosquitoes' ability to transmit diseases to humans, they are considered dangerous.  In the U.S. mosquitoes are known to spread the West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis, and dengue fever. Furthermore, these diseases do not have specific treatments. People can have varied reactions to each virus and each has been fatal in some cases. The best way to avoid mosquito-borne disease is to prevent mosquito bites.

How Can I Prevent Mosquito Bites?

Remove any areas of standing water at your home to eliminate places where mosquitoes can lay their eggs. Empty containers, old tires, guttering, flowerpots, pool covers, and baby pools after a rainstorm. Get rid of wet debris, such as leaves and mulch near the home.Water in bird baths should be changed regularly as well.

Should I Worry About the Zika Virus?

There has been buzz about the Zika virus in the media recently, which is disease spread to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, no local mosquito-borne Zika virus cases have been reported in the United States, but there have been a few travel-associated cases. However, these imported cases could result in local spread of the virus in some areas of the United States. It is important to use an insect repellent if you spend a lot of time outdoors and to have your property treated for mosquitoes by a licensed pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Let A B Pest Control and Insulation Control Mosquitoes at Your Home   

A B Pest Control and Insulation provides effective mosquito control for your home. Our solutions for mosquitoes at the Lake of the Ozarks will keep your outdoor spaces comfortable and keep you safe from mosquito-borne disease. Do you have an outdoor event coming up?  A B Pest Control and Insulation has specialized equipment for treating lawns, bushes, trees, yards, even lakes and ponds. Contact us today at (573) 964-1100 and we can do an evaluation of your yard to recommend the best mosquito control solution for you.

Lake of the Ozarks
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reasons Why You Need Inspections Before You Purchase a New Home

When you put a contract on a new home you generally will need several types of inspections. Some of the most common inspections are:

  • Septic
  • Structural
  • Electrical
  • HVAC
  • Roof
  • Termite/WDO
A commonly missed one that should be performed is an insulation inspection. A B Pest Control and Insulation offers termite/WDO inspections and insulation inspections. An insulation inspection includes noting any inadequate insulation which results in energy loss, as well as improperly ventilated attics/crawlspaces. This can cause mold and moisture issues, which can lead to health issues.

Termites Can Be Found in Many Places Around Your Home

Lake of the Ozarks pest control company will evaluate conditions that could lead to a new termite infestation or determine if there is an existing infestation. A common place termites are found in Lake of the Ozarks is scrap lumber left in crawlspaces. Firewood and other debris stored against the home, wood siding contact with the soil, and a grade that does not slope away from the foundation could result in a termite infestation. Other potential concerns can include mulch, landscaping timbers, and deteriorated wood near the home. The pest inspector will file a detailed report on the findings of the WDO, and if problems are found that need a remedy, a bid to situations will be listed on the report.

Termite Damage Can Be Very Costly

Termites cause billions of dollars in property damage each year, and are known as "silent destroyers" because of their ability to chew through wood and flooring. Unless a buyer knows what to look for, termites can be hard to find with the naked eye and therefore could take several years before signs of an infestation is apparent. To avoid getting stuck with extensive damage that is typically not covered by homeowners' insurance, buyers should always request a pest inspection before signing the purchase contract for a home.

Insulation Issues

With the importance of energy efficiency and the rising cost of energy, it is critical that an attic or crawlspace is properly insulated to control heating and cooling of your home without having to run the HVAC all of the time. This also aids in repairs to the HVAC, due to constant running, and will save money on your energy bills.

Issues that can arise from poor ventilation and improper insulation:
  • A poorly vented attic can cause health issues due to mold, moisture which can cause wood rot on trusses and other exposed wood, and can lessen the life of the roof itself.
  • A poorly insulated attic can cause energy loss and frozen pipes.
  • A poorly vented crawlspace can create a haven for pest/termites, health issues due to mold/moisture
  • A poorly insulated crawlspace can cause energy loss, frozen pipes, and the dreaded cold floors.

Homebuyers Can Renegotiate if Issues Are Found

In most cases, the result of an inspection report should not deter you from purchasing the home you have under contract. However, it should make you aware of any issues that can be fixed before the purchase of the home and lets you know the true value of the commercial or residential property you are purchasing. Buyers and sellers can further negotiate to remedy the situations found in inspection reports by either fixing the problems or discounting the price of the home for you to complete the repairs. In addition, A B Pest Control and Insulation can assist in correcting any areas that pose a threat of infestation or by addressing any insulation concerns.

A B Pest Control and Insulation Can Perform Your Inspection Before You Purchase a Home

Not all home inspectors can legally perform WDO inspections unless they are licensed in pest control at the Lake of the OzarksA B Pest Control and Insulation serves Lake Ozark, Osage Beach, Camdenton, Eldon, Sunrise Beach, Versailles, Gravois Mills, Jefferson City, Columbia, and Lebanon and we are qualified to perform your pest control inspection. Termite inspections and preventative termite treatments are available for new and existing homes and buildings. Ask about the most advanced termite bait systems available, or our liquid termite treatments with Termidor with a no hassle 10-year warranty that stays with the house, no matter who owns it. A B Pest Control and Insulation is a full insulation company that offers all types of insulation solutions to take care of your needs.

Lake of the Ozarks
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