Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Scorpions in Missouri?

You might be thinking, “Good thing I don’t live in the desert, so I don’t have to deal with scary creatures like scorpions.” They’re creepy and crawly, but at least we don’t have to deal with them in Missouri. Right!? Wrong! Scorpions actually can be found in Missouri and there have been many cases of these sneaky creatures showing up in homes around the Lake of the Ozarks. A B Pest Control & Insulation has the dirt on scorpions—read on to find out more about them.

What are Scorpions?

Are they an insect? Are they an animal? It may be hard for you to classify scorpions off the top of your head. While scorpions share some similarities with insects, they also have differences, which puts them in the arthropod class of animals. Arthropods have an exoskeleton and spiders are also included in this category. Scorpions have large pincers at the top of their body which is used to catch prey like spiders and soft-bodied insects. The end of their tail has a stinger which can be used to defend themselves and also are used to sting larger prey before they eat them. While they likely aren’t going to eat a human, watch out for their stingers. Rarely fatal to humans, they still can inflict pain on their unlucky prey.

Where Can They be Found? 

Scorpions are commonly thought to be found in desert areas, but they are actually spread throughout the United States including Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Tennessee. They normally hide during the day underneath objects like stones, logs and loose bark on trees. Scorpions regularly come out at night when it has cooled down outside.

Despite their normal habitat of deserts, they actually don’t like high temperatures or dryness, so this explains why they regularly hide out during the day. If they do make their way into your home, they are likely to be found in crawl spaces and attics. The only scorpion that can be found in Missouri is the striped scorpion. These are a yellow/tan color with two dark bands on the top of their abdomen.

Facts About Scorpions

Scorpions have scary amazing survival abilities. When scorpions are in the wild, they regularly live from two to ten years, but they can live up to 25 years in captivity. They can go a year without eating and can survive 48 hours underwater due to their “book lungs.”  Scorpions birth their young instead of laying eggs and they can be seen carrying their babies around on their back until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Scorpions have very low metabolic rates, allowing them to be able to survive on little food. These creatures will go to desperate measures when they do need food, and have even been known to eat their young.

Are They Dangerous? 

While all species of scorpions do sting, only 25 of the 2,000 species in the world are venomous enough to be dangerous to adults. In the United States, there are is only one venomous scorpions, called the bark scorpion. It can be found in Arizona and their venom isn’t strong enough to be fatal to an adult, though they could be fatal to small children or the elderly. While a scorpion sting will probably hurt, if you’re stung by one in Missouri, it is highly unlikely that it is venomous or that the sting will be fatal.

Call A B Pest Control & Insulation 

While scorpions in Missouri are not dangerous, we doubt you want them in your home. A B Pest Control & Insulation can help prevent these creatures from sneaking into your house or business with our effective pesticide. We offer a wide range of pest control services so that you and your family can relax in your home without worrying about insects or animals intruding in on your family time. For the best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks, we’ve got you covered.

Lake of the Ozarks
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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Midges—What Exactly Are They?

With the huge swarms of bugs that come along with summertime in Missouri, it can be hard to know what every insect is and if it’s harmful. This summer, you may have noticed a swarm of tiny insects flying around. There’s a possibility that this swarm was made up of midges. So what are they, should you steer clear of them and where can they commonly be found? At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we have knowledge about many of Missouri’s pests and rodents, and we can tell you which ones are harmful and which are harmless. Read on to find out which category midges fall in.

What They Are 

A mixture between flies and mosquitoes, midges are a small insect that often move through the air in huge swarms. Other common names that you may hear them being referred to as are non-biting midges and blind mosquitoes. They live the majority of their lives as larvae before they become adults. Once they are adults, they only live for a couple days to a few weeks due to the fact that they rarely eat anything during their adult life. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, there are over 7,300 species in the midge family group. Fun fact: one particular species of midges is the only insect that is native to Antarctica. 

Where You Can Find Them 

Many of the midges in Missouri are aquatic midges. Since midges spend the majority of their lifetime as larvae, they spend a large amount of time in bodies of water or moist places like damp soil. Once they are transformed into an adult, they take to the air. They typically emerge between April and November. Female midges often stay close to these bodies of water because that’s what where they lay their eggs. Males regularly form into groups and hang out over tall objects or bodies of water. You can normally find them swarming above a bush, hilltop, dark object, or if you’re unlucky, you may even find them hanging out over a person. Once it gets dark, they can also often be found swarming under outdoor lights. Midges can be found statewide as well in some other states and countries.

Benefits and Risks 

Despite their similarities to mosquitoes, aquatic midges do not bite. Some other species of midges do bite, but aquatic midges are most likely the midges will you will encounter at the lake. They are fairly common in Missouri and especially at the lake since there’s a large body of water for them to grow in. So while these insects can cause some annoyance while swarming, there’s no need to worry about these pests biting you or spreading diseases. If they’re not hurting us, are they helping us? Fishermen, you may not be as annoyed the next time you see a swarm of midges due to their benefit to the environment. Many fish feed on midge larvae, so bodies of water that are rich in midges will most likely yield more fish.

While midges don’t bite and fishermen may develop an appreciation to them, there is some bad that comes along with them. Since midges travel in large swarms, they can causes damages to paint, stucco or other wall finishes. Not only can they cause permanent staining to this surfaces, when they die, their bodies also attract spiders.


Even though midge larvae only eat matter in the water and adult midges don’t eat at all, that doesn’t mean that nothing eats them. Midges have multiple predators as both larvae and adults. As mentioned before, fish feed on larvae, but so do dragonfly larvae, water beetles and some other aquatic insects and animals. Adult midges are eaten by spiders and some species of birds including swallows.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a Call Today! 

Because midges are a flying insect, they are a little harder to kill, but with diligent continuous treatment, you can control them much easier. If swarms of midges are invading your outdoor space, call A B Pest Control & Insulation! We offer a wide range of pest control services including aquatic pest control. If you’ve noticed an increase of spiders that are feeding on the midges, we can help with that too! We also provide spider control including for your dock. This summer, don’t waste your time worrying about pests, the best pest control service at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to help you with all of your pest problems.

Lake of the Ozarks
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Thursday, July 11, 2019

What's the Deal with Lightning Bugs?

Whether you call these little glowing insects lightning bugs or fireflies, it’s hard to deny that there’s a sense of magic when they light up a summer sky. With this magic, comes some mystery. What makes them glow and how do they benefit the environment? A B Pest Control & Insulation has the inside scoop on what makes these bioluminescent bugs so special. Read on to find out more. 


What Are They Really?  

Despite their name, fireflies are not actually flies. They are instead a type of beetle. These lengthy bugs typically have colors of black, yellow, red and orange along their bodies and their heads are so small that they can rarely be seen from above. Their eggs are hatched within the soil of the Earth, where they also hibernate during the wintertime.  

Their Glow

Lightning bugs are easily identified by the light that they produce at the end of their abdomens. According to the Mother Nature Network, the light that they produce are the most efficient, especially when you compare this light to human-made light. Close to 100% of the energy produced during a lightning bug’s chemical reaction is turned into light. In comparison, only 10% of a light bulb’s energy is actually emitted as light, and the other 90% is lost as heat. Their light isn't just efficient though, it is also said that their glow helps fend away predators by telling them that they aren't tasty to eat.

Lightning bugs use their glows to attract a mate. According to the University of Minnesota, there are over 200 species of lightning bugs and each species has a particular flash pattern. Males use their patterns to attract females of the same species. Males that glow more often than others and have a higher light intensity are more likely to attract more females. Fun fact: some species sync their patterns up while in groups to gain the attention of females.  

Their Benefit to the Environment 

While lightning bugs are pretty to look at, are they doing anything to benefit the environment? They definitely don’t hurt the environment: they don’t bite, pinch, attack, carry diseases or poison. But due to their diets of common crop and garden pests, they are also helping the environment by keeping harmful pests away from gardens and fields. So, not only are they pretty to look at, they also aid the growing process of produce and crops. 

Where Are They Going? 

Hopefully we’ve gotten you all fired up about fireflies/lightning bugs. If you want to observe their beauty, but are having a hard time finding some in your backyard, there’s a reason why. Sadly, the lightning bug population has been declining due to light pollution and the expansion of urban areas which is destroying their natural habitats. In addition, some researchers are harvesting these glowing insects for medical research.  

Give Us a Call! 

We hope that next time you see a lightning bug, you’ll stop to think about what magnificent critters these insects are. Even though A B Pest Control & Insulation is in fact, a pest control company and most people associate that with getting rid of pests, we value the benefits that many pests offer to the environment. However, the next time you’re dealing with destructive pests, call up the best pest control service at the Lake of the Ozarks to take care of your pesky pest problems

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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

5 Ways to Cool Down this Summer

The days have been hot hot HOT! And it's pretty likely that we'll only see those temperatures rise in the days to come. So, how are you staying cool this summer? ARE you staying cool this summer?! This week we at A B Pest Control & Insulation want to share with you 5 super chill ways to stay cool all summer long! Check it out:

1. Go On a Local Adventure
At the Lake of the Ozarks, there's PLENTY to do to keep you cool outside of your home. Bonus: It'll also keep the kids from complaining that they're bored, too! Here are a few ideas of some super fun and cool activities to check out around the Lake of the Ozarks:

Big Surf Waterpark
Spend the day splashing around at Big Surf Waterpark! For any age, for any amount of time, Big Surf has a variety of water rides and attractions! The only recommendation is that you are ready to have fun! Relax and enjoy the Lazy River or whirl and twirl your way down the Space Bowl. A day at Big Surf is bound to keep everyone cool and having a ball!

Bridal Cave
Want to check out a cool family adventure you'll never forget? Bridal Cave remains a constant 60° inside, so it’s a great activity, no matter what the weather! Millions of years of mineral deposits create this room after room of super cool cavern.

Miner Mike's 
If quality family fun is what you are looking for, you will find it all under one roof at Miner Mike’s and Buster’s. Join Miner Mike and his mule, Buster, at this indoor 50,000 sq. ft family fun center that features exciting rides, challenging games, simulators and great food! Plus, this is home to the largest indoor elevated electric go-kart track in the U.S! Rain or shine it’s always a good time at Miner Mike’s!

2. Hit Up the Local Pools
The simplest way to stay cool is to get wet. While you can easily gain access to the Lake itself, there's also plenty of pools you can hop in all around the Lake of the Ozark! Here are just a few of many:

Dog Days Bar & Grill
Dog Days is home to some of the Lake of the Ozarks’ premier annual events, including the LOMDA In-Water Boat Show, the incredible Canine Cannonball, Lake of the Ozarks Poker Run, and Aqua Palooza … the largest on-water concert at the Lake! They feature 2 pools, one with a swim-up bar, and one that's family friendly!

Backwater Jacks
The Backwater Jack’s pool is the most exciting place to hang out all summer long! You can relax poolside or even in the pool with a refreshing drink from the swim-up bar. This pool is also home to some of the Lake’s most unbelievable pool parties!

Hippopotamus at the Regalia Hotel
Check out the newest and LARGEST pool addition at the Lake of the Ozarks - HIPPOPOTAMUS SWIM UP BAR! Regalia Hotel is hosting an ALL DAY party to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Hippopotamus Swim Up Bar on July 6th. So if you've heard all the hype and can't wait to check it out for yourself, head on over at 7PM for an awesome summer night with the legendary Midwest Classic Rock Band, Head East with Special Guests, Bryant Band!

3. Cool Down with a Delicious Treat
We have some of the best places to grab a nice cold delicious treat around! Got a sweet tooth? Check out some of our local favorites:

Randy's Frozen Custard
Definitely a local favorite, Randy's Frozen Custard is a MUST if you haven't tried it yet! Sun up or sun down, Randy's is the place to be. Whether you love the traditional Randy's frozen treat or you like to mix it up with your own original creation, they've got a bit of everything to keep you feeling like a kid all summer long!

Grandpa's Ice Cream and Homemade Pies
If your plan is to spend the day checking out the Bagnell Dam strip, you've got to check out Grandpa's! This ice cream parlor truly epitomizes the culture and unique vintage history of the Bagnell Dam strip and it's SO delicious, you'll want to come again and again!

Scoops Ice Cream
This hidden gem in Camdenton is a delectable diamond! Easy to miss if you're not paying attention, this sweet treat location is hiding out right on the square. Keep your eyes pealed, and be sure to stop in. Great people, and delicious ice cream selections.

4. Get Out On the Lake
The obvious choice for staying cool this summer is to hit the lake! It's our number one natural resource for recreational fun, and the main reason people come to the lake to vacation! Whether you plan to rent a boat and cove out for the day or rent some jet skis, you're bound to stay cool on the water!

5. Spend Some Time Relaxing Indoors
While the Lake is a great place to get out and experience some fantastic outdoor activities, sometimes it's nice to just chill out indoors for a few hours and catch your breath. So if you've been hustling and bustling all day and you just want to relax in your nice cool home, make sure you can. Ensure your home is properly insulated to help you save money and keep the struggle of heating and cooling to a minimum.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a Call Today!
A B Pest Control and Insulation is a full-service insulation company at Lake of the Ozarks. Our insulation team has many years of experience in the insulation business, so you can trust that we'll get the job done right at a fair price. A B Pest Control and Insulation can evaluate your home and make the proper recommendations for the best insulation to meet your needs. Stay cool all summer long with these cool local suggestions to stay cool and don't forget to have proper insulation installed in your home!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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