Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Scorpions in Missouri?

You might be thinking, “Good thing I don’t live in the desert, so I don’t have to deal with scary creatures like scorpions.” They’re creepy and crawly, but at least we don’t have to deal with them in Missouri. Right!? Wrong! Scorpions actually can be found in Missouri and there have been many cases of these sneaky creatures showing up in homes around the Lake of the Ozarks. A B Pest Control & Insulation has the dirt on scorpions—read on to find out more about them.

What are Scorpions?

Are they an insect? Are they an animal? It may be hard for you to classify scorpions off the top of your head. While scorpions share some similarities with insects, they also have differences, which puts them in the arthropod class of animals. Arthropods have an exoskeleton and spiders are also included in this category. Scorpions have large pincers at the top of their body which is used to catch prey like spiders and soft-bodied insects. The end of their tail has a stinger which can be used to defend themselves and also are used to sting larger prey before they eat them. While they likely aren’t going to eat a human, watch out for their stingers. Rarely fatal to humans, they still can inflict pain on their unlucky prey.

Where Can They be Found? 

Scorpions are commonly thought to be found in desert areas, but they are actually spread throughout the United States including Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Tennessee. They normally hide during the day underneath objects like stones, logs and loose bark on trees. Scorpions regularly come out at night when it has cooled down outside.

Despite their normal habitat of deserts, they actually don’t like high temperatures or dryness, so this explains why they regularly hide out during the day. If they do make their way into your home, they are likely to be found in crawl spaces and attics. The only scorpion that can be found in Missouri is the striped scorpion. These are a yellow/tan color with two dark bands on the top of their abdomen.

Facts About Scorpions

Scorpions have scary amazing survival abilities. When scorpions are in the wild, they regularly live from two to ten years, but they can live up to 25 years in captivity. They can go a year without eating and can survive 48 hours underwater due to their “book lungs.”  Scorpions birth their young instead of laying eggs and they can be seen carrying their babies around on their back until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Scorpions have very low metabolic rates, allowing them to be able to survive on little food. These creatures will go to desperate measures when they do need food, and have even been known to eat their young.

Are They Dangerous? 

While all species of scorpions do sting, only 25 of the 2,000 species in the world are venomous enough to be dangerous to adults. In the United States, there are is only one venomous scorpions, called the bark scorpion. It can be found in Arizona and their venom isn’t strong enough to be fatal to an adult, though they could be fatal to small children or the elderly. While a scorpion sting will probably hurt, if you’re stung by one in Missouri, it is highly unlikely that it is venomous or that the sting will be fatal.

Call A B Pest Control & Insulation 

While scorpions in Missouri are not dangerous, we doubt you want them in your home. A B Pest Control & Insulation can help prevent these creatures from sneaking into your house or business with our effective pesticide. We offer a wide range of pest control services so that you and your family can relax in your home without worrying about insects or animals intruding in on your family time. For the best pest control at the Lake of the Ozarks, we’ve got you covered.

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