Sealing up your home can not only help keep your home insulated, it can also help keep out creepy crawlers. Check for leaks around your windows and doors and seal them up with caulk if needed. It doesn't take a huge opening for mice and other pests to get inside, so if there are any places that are exposed to the outside, make sure to get it sealed. A professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company can help you identify any points of entry.
2. Clean Up The Clutter
With the new year approaching, now is the perfect time to get rid of some things you might not need. Clutter attracts pests, so cleaning up can also help prevent pests from getting comfortable in your home. If you have an attic or basement, sometimes these areas become a place for storage, so if you have a lot of boxes in these areas, take some time to go through them and get rid of the things you no longer need. However, it is important to be cautious while doing so, as you may come across some reclusive pests.
3. Keep It Clean
Kitchens get dirty quickly, and they are also a common source for pest infestations. After cooking, it's important to wipe down your work area to avoid ants and other insects from enjoying your meal as well. Cover any food that is left on the counter for an extended period of time tightly. If you are entertaining, don't leave any food out overnight, put it away in airtight containers.
4. Maintain Your Yard
Pests come into your home from the yard. Keep them at bay by keeping the lawn cut, getting rid of debris and weeding often. It is also important to keep plants, bushes and tree limbs that overhang the roof trimmed. If you have a pile of wood, keep it as far away from your home as possible.
5. Get Organized
Keeping pests under control is all about taking preventative measures from keeping your home clean and tidy to maintaining your lawn. However, you can take your preventative measures one step further by having your home and yard regularly sprayed by a professional pest control company. A B Pest Control & Insulation can not only help you once you get an infestation, but we can also help prevent them!
Happy New Year From A B Pest Control & Insulation!
A B Pest Control & Insulation wishes you a happy and healthy New Year! Hopefully, with these tips, you will have fewer pests making themselves comfortable in your home this upcoming year. However, if they do find their way inside, call A B Pest Control & Insulation. As a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company, we can safely and effectively get rid of pests and make sure they don't come back with regular preventative pest control spraying. To schedule an appointment to have your home and yard sprayed this new year, call 573-964-1100.
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