Christmas is nearly here, and we couldn't be more excited! There's lots of planning and prepping still to do to make Christmas Day the most wonderful day of the year. One thing on our list of to-do's is to make sure we've got Santa's favorite snack ready for Christmas Eve. So, milk and cookies is on our shopping list! But that got us thinking... What are some of Santa's other favorite snacks? Well, it seems he's got a lot, and not everyone in the world leaves cookies and milk for him! Check out some of the other treats children leave for Santa around the world!
In the United States, many children leave a glass of milk and a plate of cookies for Santa. Some families deviate from the norm by leaving Santa and his reindeer carrots, pizza, or even celery.
Although Australians also leave cookies for Santa to snack on, they replace the glass of milk with a cold glass of beer. December is actually summer for Australia, so the glass of beer might be just what Santa needs in the hot weather.
Some Irish families leave a pint of Guinness for Santa on the eve of Christmas. Children usually place the cold beer near the tree to offer Old Saint Nick a quick pick-me-up for the long night ahead.
Like in Australia and Ireland, children in Britain leave Santa alcohol. Families believe Santa needs some sherry to warm up on Christmas night. It's also tradition to pair the sherry with a mince pie.
Children in Argentina leave out hay and water. Christmas in Argentina continues until January 6, which is Three Kings Day. The night before Three Kings Day, children leave their shoes outside so they can be filled with gifts. They also leave hay and water for the kings' horses.
In the Netherlands, children often leave carrots and hay to help energize Santa's horses — yes, horses — on their trip around the world.
Denmark doesn't leave anything for Julemanden — Denmark's term for Santa — to munch on, but they do leave out rice pudding for elves - who are named nisser and who live in the attic — a bowl of rice pudding called risengrod. They believe that if the rice pudding isn't left out, then the nisser will taunt them all evening long.
In Iceland, children leave out laufabrauĂ°, which translates to leaf bread and tastes like a crispy wafer. In Iceland, Christmas lasts 26 days, and there are actually 13 Santa-like figures who bring children gifts and snacks.
In France, children leave out carrots and cookies in their shoes.
Germans have more of a Christmas angel, the "Christkind," than a Santa, and they don't leave any snacks. German children leave out handwritten letters before going to bed.
It's amazing to see how different cultures celebrate the holiday season around the world, isn't it? We hope you've enjoyed learning a little something new about Christmas from around the world! And this is your friendly reminder that no matter what your holiday tradition is for Santa, it's creeping up fast! So make sure you've got what you need!
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