Don't let ugly weeds take over your landscaping. This is the perfect time to get your yard and garden in shape and weeds cannot only be unsightly but rob your yard of its nutrients. To keep your lawn and garden looking lush throughout the season, consult a company that offers lawn services at the Lake of the Ozarks. A B Pest Control and Insulation can tailor a turf management program for any type of yard to eradicate weeds. We will discuss why weed control is critical to produce a healthy lawn:
For the most part, weeds that show up on lawns in the United States fall into two main categories: broadleaf and grassy weeds. Broadleaf weeds generally include dandelion, chickweed, purslane, and clover. While some broadleaf weeds flower like dandelions and wild violets do, they still are weeds. Grassy weeds include weeds such as crabgrass. The problem with grassy weeds is that they grow under the same conditions as regular grass does, so treating your lawn could mistakenly produce grassy weeds. This is why it is important to talk to an expert on how to eliminate grassy weeds.
Different weeds grow best at different times of the year. There are literally hundreds of varieties of weeds and effective treatments could vary. Treatment will depend on the time of the year and the variety of weeds that grow during that particular season.
Why Weed Control Is Important
A weed is an unwanted plant that grows basically anywhere there is dirt on your property. Dandelions and other weeds can creep up through your landscaping rock and yard giving your grass less room to grow. Weeds can spread throughout your landscape and do serious damage if not treated the right way by a professional weed control company at the Lake of the Ozarks.
The Two Common Types of Lawn Weeds
Weeds Are Annual and Perennial
All weeds cannot be treated the same way. This is because they can be both annual, where the growing season is one year or less, or perennial, where the weeds come up multiple seasons. Generally speaking, annual weeds start with a seed brought into your yard by a bird or the wind. Annual weeds can grow several times during the same season. Perennial weeds are tougher to get rid of because they establish roots in your yard and can come back multiple seasons. If the roots are not removed entirely, the weeds will continue to grow.
Different Weeds Grow in Different Seasons
Different weeds grow best at different times of the year. There are literally hundreds of varieties of weeds and effective treatments could vary. Treatment will depend on the time of the year and the variety of weeds that grow during that particular season.
Let A B Pest Control and Insulation Get Rid of Your Weeds
If your lawn and garden is engulfed in dandelions and other unsightly weeds, let A B Pest Control and Insulation help you fight back. Weeds are a symptom of a more serious problem in your yard and we will develop a turf management program tailored just for your yard. Good turf management is the first step in effective, environmentally sound weed control at the Lake of the Ozarks.
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