Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Eliminate Bed Bugs

"Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite" may make a nice nursery rhyme, but getting bitten by a bed bug is not a pleasant experience.  Take the bite out of bed bugs while they sleep so they don’t take a bite out of you while you are sleeping by calling A B Pest Control & Insulation.

Unfortunately, bed bugs can be anywhere, the A B Pest Control & Insulation has several cost ­effective treatments to safely rid you of these pests. Below we answer some common questions regarding bed bugs and how they infest.

About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood. Their namesake comes from their behavior of becoming active at night and burying deep inside mattresses and furniture crevices but, can be found in the baseboards or any other harborage including behind pictures on a wall.  Adult bed bugs have flat reddish ­brown colored oval bodies. Adult bed bugs are approx. the size of an apple seed and move quickly therefore they are sometimes easy to detect.   As they feed, their bodies swell and become red. Females lay hundreds of eggs over a lifetime.

Bed bugs generally bite at nighttime while people sleep and can't be felt. Bed bugs feed by piercing the skin and withdrawing blood from three to ten minutes, until becoming fully engorged. At first the bites are painless, but later the bites can turn into large itchy skin welts. The welts occur on the skin as an allergic reaction to the bite itself.  People sometime mistake the welts and itching to other insect bites, such as mosquitoes or fleas. This is why it is important to have a licensed pest control applicator inspect the area of concern to determine if there is an infestation of bed bugs or a different pest.

Bed Bug Habitats

Anyone can have bed bugs as they are a traveling pest. They are not a discriminating pest as they don’t care about poor or rich, clean or dirty.  However, control is achieved easier with a clean area.

Here are some things to look for in your room that may indicate bed bugs: Living or dead bed bugs Small bloodstreams from crushed insects Dark spots or droppings Bed bug remains on linens, the mattress and its seams, the bed springs, or the headboard A B Pest Control & Insulation has several cost effective solutions for eliminating bed bugs to give you peace of mind.

We are the A B Pest Control & Insulation and surrounding areas and offer a cost effective bed bug treatment that won't break the bank! For more information on bed bugs contact us at (573) 964-1100

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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