Fleas and ticks are prevalent in the Lake of the Ozarks area because of the warm, humid climate. How do you know if you have a flea and tick infestation? If you find out you have an infestation, what can you do about it? A B Pest and Insulation is here to inform you about everything you need to know in regards to fleas and ticks.
What are Ticks?
Ticks are small blood-sucking parasites. They are considered parasites, not pests because they need a host, either you or your pet, to feed. Ticks have eight legs and come in various sizes and colors. There are nearly 850 different species of ticks. Ticks cannot fly, jump or drop, so if you find one on your head, it got there by attaching to your foot or leg and crawling up your body. If a tick bites you, it will remain attached, getting larger in size, and may even change color to grey/blue.
Tick Bites
If you find a tick on you, do not twist to pull it off. If you do, you may break the tick leaving the mouth still attached. If this happens, take tweezers to remove the remaining parts. If you are not able to remove everything, leave what remains and let the skin heal itself. A tick could stay attached for several days or weeks until it is fully engorged and falls off on its own. Ticks prefer warm moist areas on the body, such as armpits or the scalp. Tick bites are normally harmless and produce no symptoms, but some ticks carry diseases, which can be passed on when they bite. These diseases could cause a variety of symptoms that usually develop within the first few weeks after being bitten. They include:
- Red spot or rash near bite site
- Stiffness of neck Headache or nausea
- Weakness
- Muscle or join pain
- Fever or chills
- Swollen lymph nodes
If you experience any of these symptoms after being bitten by a tick, seek medical attention as soon as possible. In rare cases, ticks can transmit a disease to human hosts. These can be very serious. If you begin to experience usual symptoms, it is important that you seek medical attention.
What are Fleas?
Fleas are tiny bugs that grow to be about as big as a pen tip. They are visible to the naked eye, but because they are so small, they are hard to detect and especially difficult to eliminate from your home. Fleas are wingless, but are able to jump far distances, which is how they jump from the ground to their host. Fleas feed on blood, much like ticks, and female fleas feed on 15 times their body weight. Flea dirt is dried indigested blood that is excreted from fleas. This flea dirt feeds the larva and is one way to tell if you have an infestation. Fleas reproduce quickly, so if you see one, there are probably more.
Fleas like to live on pets, or even you. However, if the infestation gets worse, fleas can live in carpets, rugs, linens and yards. A bad infestation can be obvious. One way to see if you have an infestation is to walk on your carpets wearing white socks. If you see little black bugs, they are probably fleas.
Flea Bites
Flea bites are very distinctive. Unlike mosquito bites, flea bites remain relatively small. They will usually stay around the ankles and legs, but may occur around armpits, waists, knees and elbows. Bites will be grouped in threes and fours, or in a straight line. They will appear as small, red bumps with a red halo around the bite area.
Flea bites will be very itchy and could potentially be very painful and become sore. A rash or hives could also appear. Excessive scratching could cause further damage of the skin and could potentially lead to a bacterial infection. Fleas are not known to pass on diseases to humans, but that is not the case for pets. If you find fleas on your pet, take them to the vet. Flea bites will heal on their own, but in order to stop getting bit, you will need to get rid of the fleas.
Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks with A B Pest and Insulation!
Just because you don’t have any pets doesn’t mean you can’t get a flea or tick infestation. Fleas and ticks are hard to get rid of due to their small size. The best way to get rid of fleas and ticks for good is to call A B Pest and Insulation. We are the Lake of the Ozarks’ most trusted pest control company!
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