Thursday, October 20, 2016

5 Critters We See At The Lake In The Autumn

The autumn season doesn't just bring in the insects, it also brings in unwanted critters that are seeking shelter from the cold weather. Luckily, a professional animal trapper at the Lake of the Ozarks can protect your home from these unwanted pests. From raccoons to rodents, the Lake area is home to many different creatures that could potentially damage your home if they come inside. A B Pest Control & Insulation lists five critters we see often at the Lake of the Ozarks.

1. Raccoons 

Raccoons, like rodents, can cause a lot of damage to homes while they seek shelter for the winter months. They are known for chewing up electrical wires and can chew through home insulation. However, they can also damage air ducts, cooling systems, vents, fans and wood beams. Raccoons are large animals and in some cases have fallen through the ceilings of some homes. If they stay in your home a long time, they can also flatten the insulation in your home, lowering the R-value. In addition, when raccoons decide to make themselves at home in your attic, they will urinate and defecate, which is not only unsanitary and smells bad, but also contain numerous diseases. 

2. Rodents

Mice and rats like to seek shelter during the cool season. However, it is important to evict them early, as a couple mice can become a dozen in a short amount of time. Rodents can cause a lot of damage to your home as well. They can chew through insulation, electrical wire and wood structures. Mice can fit into a hole the size of a dime, while rats can fit into crevasses the size of a quarter. Rodents are filthy creatures and can leave feces all throughout your home, which is filled with disease.  

3. Snakes

Although snakes do not do any physical damage to our homes, it is certainly unsettling seeing them on the wrong side of the door. Snakes enter homes through open doors and windows, as well as through holes and crevasses. Snakes that come inside are usually small, so it doesn't take a big opening for them to make their way into your home. As the days get colder, snakes will seek warmth to hibernate during the winter months.

4. Squirrels 

Attics are the perfect place for squirrels to nest and have babies. When squirrels nest in attics, they can cause damage to insulation, electrical wires and wood structures. In addition, as squirrels have babies, they will create more and more entry points. This means that they will cause extensive damage to the outside of your home. They will chew through the structure to make an easy access in and out of your home.

5. Opossums

Because opossums greatest challenge during the winter months is to survive, they will try to seek out warm places that have food. Unfortunately, that place just might be your home. It is sometimes hard to tell when an opossum has taken residence in your home, as they are nocturnal, so it is important to know the signs of their activity. Barking dogs, missing food and a strong odor are just some of the clues that indicate you may have an opossum in your home. 

Get Rid Of Fall Pests With A B Pest Control & Insulation

If you have any unwanted critters in your home, call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100. Not only are these pests unsanitary, but they can also do damage to your home. Avoid these potentially costly repairs and call a professional animal trapper at the Lake of the Ozarks. By calling a professional, you can make sure these pests are removed from your premises properly and they can make sure they don't come back. 

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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