Where To Find Them
Boxelder bugs will not come inside your home all year long. Instead, they typically make their nests in trees such as box elder, maple and ash trees during the warmer seasons. During the fall, they will migrate into buildings and home to find shelter during the winter. They enter through small cracks and crevices within the building and remain inside, hibernating through the fall and winter. However, they will emerge when heat sources within the building are high. While they do not cause structural damage to homes, their droppings could leave stains on furniture and linens.
Life Cycle
In autumn, large nymphs and adults will congregate at overwintering sites, such as your home. At the end of March, they will emerge from their dormancy and in April, they will begin laying eggs in crevices of box elder trees.
Signs of an Infestation
Like many overwintering pests, it is startling when the bugs invade in staggering numbers. They can be a nuisance to homeowners, as they seek and enter houses in colonies of hundreds, even thousands, as cold weather approaches. You can find them in the walls and warm basements, making themselves at home all winter long. They will occasionally emerge into kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms. Boxelder beetles tend to favor homes that receive a lot of sun exposure or homes that are on flat ground with no other surrounding buildings. Boxelder beetles are typically harmless, however, they have been known to defend themselves by biting people when pressed against bare skin.
How to Control Boxelder Infestation
The best thing you can do to control a boxelder beetle infestation is to call your local Lake of the Ozarks pest control company. A professional pest control company can get rid them from your yard and home and help you prevent them from coming back. In addition to calling the experts, sealing cracks, gaps and holes can also help them from coming inside. It is a good idea to replace worn screens, as well as door and window seals to prevent entry.
Let A B Pest Control & Insulation Protect Your Home This Fall
Although the summer pest control season has ended, the fall invasion is just beginning. During autumn, many different types of pests seek shelter for the cold winter months. When you have your home sprayed by a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks, you can make sure that pests don't seek shelter in your home. Call 573-964-1100 and schedule your appointment with A B Pest Control & Insulation today!
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Pest Control Company

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