Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Is The Summer Heat Bringing Spiders Into Your Home?

Temperatures around Missouri are reaching nearly 100 degrees! Many people are staying indoors with the nice AC to stay cool. However, you may not be the only thing taking refuge inside your home. Many people around the Lake area are seeing an increase of spiders in their home this week, and it could be due to the high heat.

Summer Heat Driving Spiders Inside

This summer's extreme heat is bringing more spiders out of the yard and into homes. Whether you see them or not, almost every home has pests of some sort living inside. Just like us, these pests want to stay out of the heat, so with temperatures reaching nearly 100 degrees, these pests are seeking cooler places. Spiders, such as the brown recluse, like cool dark places, so they typically spend their time in the places like attics. Although with the extreme heat, attics are becoming hot and muggy, so they're starting to venture into places you don't want them to be. 

Brown Recluses Out & About

Brown recluses are not very big spiders, as they are about the size of a quarter. They're tan in color and have a dark spot in the shape of a violin on its body. Brown recluses act just like their name suggest - reclusive, so don't expect to see them roaming around during the day. They typically hide in dark corners of the home or in stored items like boxes and closets. Because these spiders like cool dark spaces, you may see them searching for new places to hide during the heat wave. 

Be Aware Of Brown Recluses

Brown recluses are not likely to go out of their way to bite people. They will only bite people when they feel threatened. With this extreme heat, it's best to take precaution to avoid these creepy crawlers. 

- Shake out clothing and shoes before dressing.
- Don't garden or handle firewood without gloves.
- Keep doors and windows shut.
- Minimize outdoor lights. Lights attract insects, which could attract spiders.
- Don't go out barefoot. 
- Shake out bedding before going to bed. 
- Eliminate as much clutter as possible in storage areas. 
- Frequently dust and vacuum around windows, corners of rooms and under furniture. 

Spider Bites

As previously stated, brown recluses are not likely to bite unless they feel threatened. People commonly get brown recluse bites in areas that the spiders have been hiding. It's common to get a brown recluse bite when changing clothes, putting your hands into a pocket or putting on shoes. Although a bite from a brown recluse is painless at first, within a few hours the bite site will become swollen, red and tender to the touch. In most cases, the irritation ends there and the bite will heal on its own. However, in some cases, the venom begins to break down the cells in the skin and progress into a necrotic lesion that will need immediate medical attention. It's best to get medical attention right away after being bitten to ensure you're aren't allergic. 

Get Rid Of Spiders

Brown recluses are one of the trickier pests to get rid of in the area, so it's best to call a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company. A B Pest Control & Insulation can help you control the spiders that are making their way into your home to escape the summer heat. Call us today at 573-964-1100 to learn more and to schedule your appointment.

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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