If you are a fan of garage or yard sales, thrift stores, or even upscale antique shops, you should know that there’s a possibility that you could end up bringing home an unexpected surprise along with your bargains. Yes, we mean bed bugs. Bites from bed bugs are certainly a pain to the victim – they result in swelling, welts, and itchiness. If you over scratch, you might end up with a secondary infection. A B Pest Control and Insulation knows that keeping these little pests far away from your home should be a priority. Follow these preventative tips from your pest control company in the Lake of the Ozarks when you are out secondhand shopping.
It’s a good idea to learn what types of furniture and other household items bed bugs love to live in. Bed bugs tend to prefer fabric surfaces, especially ones where humans have slept. Secondhand mattresses and box springs are two things you should be wary of. It’s safest to avoid buying these furniture pieces, if they are home to bed bugs, they are very difficult to treat. Only full penetration of deep heat, prolonged cold, or expert application of pesticide will eliminate bed bugs.
You should also watch out for pre-owned pillows, comforters, sheets and other bedding. However, they are treatable. If you can’t pass up on purchasing bedding items at a garage sale, enclose them tightly in sealed plastic bags until you can take them to the laundry. Make sure you launder everything in hot water and dry on the highest setting available.

You should carefully examine things like non-upholstered furniture, headboards, shelving, picture frames, etc. You should check these products from top and bottom, inside and out. You should check for adult bugs, young nymphs, eggs, castoff skins, or minuscule black droppings. All of these are signs of infestation.
Be suspicious of furnishings and other household items which may have been in storage for an extended period of time, it’s possible they might still be home to bed bugs or other pesky critters. Bed bugs can’t easily be starved out. Although they do feed on human blood, bed bugs are capable of surviving without that for as long as one year.
When you shop at garage sales or thrift stores it’s important to check any items thoroughly. The last thing you want to do is accidentally bring home bed bugs that can infest your home. A B Pest Control and Insulation knows first hand how resilient bed bugs are. If you think you might have a bed bug infestation, contact your pest control company in Lake of the Ozarks today.
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