As the weather starts to warm up, we can’t help but daydream about the long summer days that are ahead. One thing A B Pest Control & Insulation loves the most about summer season is seeing all of the fireflies fill up the summer night sky. Summer will be here before we know it and your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks knows that lightning bugs will soon be out and about. Learn more about these fascinating insects below!
About Fireflies
We see them all the time, especially at the Lake of the Ozarks. They come out during the warm summer nights and the provide a light show that is unlike anything else. We may be pretty familiar with lightning bugs, but most people don’t know that these insects are actually beetles. Fireflies are nocturnal members of the family Lampyridae. There are about 2,000 firefly species and they live in a variety of warm environments. Fireflies love moisture and tend to live in more humid regions.
Where fireflies get their name is pretty self-explanatory, but how they produce their glow is a little bit more of a mystery. Fireflies have organs located under their abdomen that are dedicated solely to producing the light. The take in oxygen and, inside of special cells, that oxygen is combined with a substance called luciferin that produces light with virtually no heat.
The light of a firefly is usually intermittent, and each flash pattern is unique to each species. The firefly using their blinking patterns as an optical signal which helps them find potential mates. Scientists are still unsure of how fireflies regulate the process of turning their lights on and off.
Firefly Fun Facts
They aren’t flies – they are beetles.
Fireflies are members of a family of insects within the beetle order Coleoptera (winged beetles). Hey, we’re okay with calling them fireflies instead of “firebeetles”.
They are as efficient as they come.
It’s pretty safe to say that fireflies are light geniuses. The light that is produced by a firefly is the most efficient light ever made. Nearly 100 perfect of the energy in the chemical reaction is emitted as light. If we compare their light to an incandescent light bulb, the light bulb only emits about 10 percent of its energy as light. The other 90 percent is lost as heat.
They eat weird things.
While most of us believe that fireflies nibble on flowers, the larvae of the lightning bug is actually a carnivore. They feast on slimy slugs, worms, and even snails. Once they grow up, some even move on to cannibalism and eat other fireflies. Most of them stick to pollen and nectar.
Your Lake of the Ozarks Pest Control Company
Spring is fully underway and it’s important to make sure your home is protected from all sorts of pests. A B Pest Control & Insulation is here for all of your pest control needs. To keep your home pest free all year long, give your pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks a call today!
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