Thursday, June 21, 2018

5 Essentials to Make Sure You Have for Your Next Get-Together

Summertime is the perfect time for getting together with family and friends. We want to take advantage of the beautiful weather as much as we can while it's here. So, you may be planning a barbecue or bonfire this weekend for an excuse to enjoy some outdoor time. What a wonderful idea that is! A B Pest Control and Insulation wants to make sure your next get-together is a hit, so we're sharing with you 5 essentials to make sure you have for your next gathering.

Plenty of Seating
Have you ever attended a barbecue or get-together and had to stand most of the time because there just wasn't enough seating? It's tiring and makes you want to leave early. Avoid that from happening at YOUR next gathering and make sure you've got plenty of places for your guests to sit and relax. Place your seating in clusters so that people can sit down and engage easily without having to shout across the yard. It's a good idea to have a designated 'kids' table as well if you know there will be several little ones attending. This will allow them to engage with each other and prevent them from constantly interrupt adult conversation.

Age Appropriate Lawn Games
Chances are if you've invited your friends over and they have children, their children will attend too. Make sure they don't get bored easily by setting out some age appropriate lawn games. Some great kid friendly games are ladder toss, jumbo Jenga, lawn checkers, ring toss, and volleyball. If you're having an adults only gathering, you can consider games like yard pong, horseshoes, cornhole, and yard dice.

Plenty of Food and Drinks
It's only the proper host thing to do to make sure you've got at least appetizers and drinks to offer your guests. Make sure you've got plenty to go around. If you invite 10 people over, plan enough food for 20. This will ensure that you've got any surprise guests covered that your friends may bring along. Not to mention, if your get-together goes longer than expected, your guests may get hungry later on and want to snack while they visit.

Music to Fill the Silence
Not everyone feels comfortable with silence when they're in a group of people. Make sure to avoid any awkward silences with light music playing in the background. You don't want it up loud enough that your guests have to yell over it to be heard, but it can be relaxing and can even strike up conversation when your guests have run out of things to talk about. Who knows? You may find a new common interest in a band you didn't know you had with one of your buddies!

A Pest Free Lawn!
There's nothing more annoying than trying to enjoy a nice evening relaxing out on the patio with friends and family and being bombarded by mosquitoes, bees, ticks, and other pesky pests. Make sure your yard is pest free by hiring a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks to come out and treat your lawn and home.

With these 5 essentials, your next get-together will be a pest free and fun time that your friends will be talking about for days! To keep your home and lawn pest free all year long, give A B Pest Control & Insulation a call.

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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