Yellow Jacket Habits
Yellow jackets are most active in the late summer and early fall. They can become increasingly aggressive in gathering food and are more likely to sting during this time. Since food is such a primary concern for the majority of yellow jackets, the workers can get territorial and become agitated as cooler weather approaches in autumn. Instinct tells them that scavenging for food and a safe place to wait out the winter is literally a matter of life and death.
Most yellow jackets have a short life cycle simply because most nests are primarily built exposed to the elements and they can’t survive winter. However, if yellow jackets have discovered an area inhabited by humans, their nests can last for years if undisturbed since they can be built in the cracks of our businesses, houses, sheds, and foundations. If the yellow jackets find a place to stay warm and protected from the elements, their nest can grow quite enormously and can house multiple queens!
Avoid Getting Stung
If you happen to come across a nest of yellow jackets, cover your face and walk away from the nest slowly. Fast movements can attract more yellow jackets, resulting in more stings. You should also avoid squashing a yellow jacket outdoors. When crushed, yellow jackets emit a type of hormone that causes them to alert other nearby yellow jackets to attack. Killing one yellow jacket could lead to further stings.
Treating a Sting

Get Rid of Your Yellow Jacket Infestation
If you've found a colony of yellow jackets invading your home, it's best to steer clear and contact a professional Lake of the Ozarks pest control company. Ignoring the nests could cause potentially damage to your property as well as risking the health of you, your family and your pets. Multiple stings can be deadly, especially if one is allergic. Contact a professional team that understands how to safely dispose of your yellow jacket problem. Call A B Pest Control & Insulation and rest easy knowing that your Yellow Jacket infestation will be taken care of!
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