Wednesday, November 14, 2018

5 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time filled with fantastic memories and wonderful bonding opportunities. However, as the host of holiday gatherings, you may be feeling more than just excitement. You may be feeling the anxieties that typically come along with the anticipation of the holidays. So, we at A B Pest Control & Insulation want to help alleviate some of your stresses by providing you some tips to help prepare your home for holiday guests.

1. Meal Prep in Advance
There will be plenty of meals you'll have to prepare. Rather than waiting until the day of to decide on what meals you'll be making and spending all day in the kitchen instead of with your family, meal prep in advance! You can Google all kinds of quick meal ideas that can be prepared and frozen. Then all you have to do is simply pull them out of the freezer and throw them in the oven or crock pot! You can still provide your visitors with a delicious home-made meal without missing out on spending time with them!

2. Make Sleeping Arrangements
Chances are, some of your guests will be planning to stay overnight, especially if they've traveled far. Rather than worrying about finding them a budget friendly hotel room, plan ahead for sleeping arrangements in your own home. Locate all of your air mattresses ahead of time and make sure they're in good condition. Wash your linens and blankets before everyone arrives, and determine where your guests will be staying while they're there. This will eliminate any question of where they'll sleep and how long they can stay.

3. Plan Some Age-Appropriate Activities
Your family and friends may bring their kids while visiting during the holidays, or maybe you have kids of your own. What a joy those little tykes bring to the season... until they get bored. Avoid hearing 'I'm bored' when it's too cold for them to go outside to play, and plan out some age-appropriate activities that'll keep them busy. Some quick ideas: Movie & Snacks, Arts & Crafts, Coloring Books, Scavenger Hunt

4. Deep Clean Your Home
While this may not seem like a stress-less way to prepare for your guests, it's still a must. We, of course, always want to show our homes in the best condition. By doing the cleaning ahead of time, this will allow you to focus more on the enjoyable aspects of having visitors over for the holiday. Plus, this will be a great time for you to 'baby or child proof' your home if it's needed.

5. Schedule Pest Control Services
There's nothing you want less than to see a skittering scurrying critter run across your kitchen floor when you have guests over for the holidays. You've done your diligent duty to deep clean your home and plan the perfect family gathering. Don't let that time be ruined by pesky pests trying to impose their way into your warm home. Schedule your pest control services before your holiday get-togethers so you can feel confident having visitors this holiday season!

We know how exciting and stressful this time of year can be for holiday hosts. We hope that these 5 tips to prepare your home for holiday guests will help make things a little less stressful so you can enjoy time with family. Don't forget to schedule your pest control services at the Lake of the Ozarks before your guests arrive this holiday season!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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