Friday, December 28, 2018

Importance of Winter Pest Control

While some pests and rodents migrate to warmer climates for the winter months, others may seek places to hide out from the cold or hibernate. Regular pest control treatments during the colder months is essential. Your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company takes a look at the importance of winter pest control.

Insects During The Winter
While some pests do migrate, others spend the winter in hibernation. This is because they're cold blooded creatures who need to conserve their energy during the frigid winter months. Other insects, like bees and wasps, will hide under fallen logs and warm underbrush to keep as warm as possible. Since those insects rely on the pollen from trees and plants, they must use as little energy as possible due to the poor food supply.

Why Continue Pest Control During Winter
It's important to continue pest control treatments inside and outside your home throughout the winter months to keep pests that are seeking warmth from gaining access. Rodents, termites, carpenter ants and spiders all can invade homes during the winter, and when they do they tend to take up residence inside the walls, which could make it more difficult to find and treat.
  • If pests are inside the walls of your home, they are not affected by the cold temperatures outside.
  • In addition to insects living in the walls, attics provide shelter to wasps and spiders, as they try to escape the cold.
  • If there are points of entry that are not sealed up, rodents can find their way into your home.
  • When a professional pest control company treats your home, they will ensure there are no pest related issues or identify any conditions that could lead to the future pest problems.
  • When a pest control company removes spider webs, egg cases and wasp nests, it prevents them from reemerging when the weather warms back up.
How Winter Weather Affects Treatment
However, the weather could have some effects on the treatments. During this time of the year, most treatments are performed around the foundation of homes, where there are eaves and overhangs that tend to be sheltered, so they don't usually receive large amounts of moisture. Treatments around the outside of the home are usually ok during light rain or snow. However, if there is no shelter or if there's heavy rain and snow, it may be best to reschedule the treatment for a different day. Once pest control treatments have been applied and have had a chance to dry, precipitation will not usually affect the treatment.

Your Favorite Pest Control Professionals at the Lake of the Ozarks
This month we've seen some unusually warm temperatures, which may have caused some pests to not go into hibernation or to come out of hiding. If you need pest control services this winter, call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100. We can help you keep your home pest free this season!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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