Mar 02, 2019
Camden County Museum
206 S. Locust
Linn Creek MO 65052
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Indoor Garage Sale at the Museum from 9am-4pm. Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, Jewelry, Books, Glassware, Household, Misc... all good merchandise. Lunch available for donation. FREE admission. Tour the Museum!
Mar 02, 2019
Lake Christian Academy
17178 North State Hwy 5
Sunrise Beach MO 65079
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
18th Annual Expo Event for the Lake West Chamber. Free Parking; Free Admission. This is the only product & services event on the westside of the Lake. Come and visit with knowledgeable people regarding your wants and wishes. Lunch & snacks available as fundraiser for Academy.
Mar 03, 2019
The Lodge of Four Seasons - Campana Hall
315 Four Seasons Dr.
Lake Ozark Missouri 65049
Hours of Operation: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The annual Lake Wedding Expo at the Lodge of Four Seasons is your #1 opportunity to meet numerous area venue and vendor representatives that can help YOU in planning your perfect day. As well, you could win one of our big prizes just for being there! Save the date for Sunday, 3/3/19, 12-3PM and set your history in motion with us. Until then, visit to pre-register for the Expo and begin assembling your Wedding Dream Team Today!
Mar 08, 2019
Redhead Lakeside Grill
1700 Yacht Club Drive
Osage Beach Missouri 65065
Hours of Operation: Starts at 6:30 pm
Come out and enjoy some brick oven pizza and beverages as well as mingle to learn more about Children's Learning Center, a not-for-profit & the great things they are doing for young children in our community! There will be a HUGE silent auction, prizes and lots of fun! Tickets are only $10 in advance prior to March 1 or $15 after that or at the door and includes all you can eat yummy pizza! Tickets available online or at CLC. (88 Third Street, Camdenton, 573-346-0660)
Mar 15, 2019
Camden County Museum
206 S. Locust
Linn Creek MO 65052
Hours of Operation: 6:00 pm
Dinner and audience participation mystery play performed by the Museum Players. Dinner served while the audience attempts to solve the mystery that is occurring around and among them. Reservations required. Admission is $20 per person.
Mar 16, 2019 - Mar 17, 2019
Elk's Lodge Osage Beach
5161 Osage Beach Parkway
Osage Beach MO 65065
Hours of Operation: Sat: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Sun; 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
If you have any valuables sitting around collecting dust - bring them to this show! - Free appraisals and top dollar paid if you decide to sell! Featuring Coins and Currency, Gold and Silver, Stamps, Sports Cards and Memorabilia, Postcards, Comic Books and much more! Public is invited to attend, buy, sell, or trade. Free appraisals. Free admission, free parking. Don't miss this fun and interesting show!
Mar 16, 2019
Bagnell Dam Strip
1 Bagnell Dam Blvd
Lake Ozark MO 65049
Hours of Operation: 1:00 pm
Join in the fun of an old fashioned parade with floats, marching bands and candy and goodies for the young and young at heart. Many of the local restaurants along the strip will be offering specials and corned beef and cabbage feasts.
Mar 16, 2019
Multiple Venues
Hwy 5
Sunrise Beach MO 65079
Hours of Operation: 4:00 pm – 2:00 am
Pricing: $10 per person
The 9th Annual Short Bus Shuffle on the West side of the Lake. These safe shuttles will run beginning at 4 pm. Each stop will have live entertainment, drink specials and St. Pat's festivities! REQUIRED $10 wristband to ride shuttles available at all locations. Souvenir shirts are available too! Hub location is Captain Ron's. Participating lodging facilities will be offering special rates for everyone involved, however you must make reservations before the event!
Mar 23, 2019
Integrity Yoga & Wellness Studio
3797 Osage Beach Parkway
Osage Beach MO 65065
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am
Welcome the Spring Equinox with 108 yoga sun salutations. Every level is welcome! Saturday, March 23, 2019 @ Integrity Yoga & Wellness Studio, 3797 Osage Beach Parkway in the Stone Crest Mall. Proceeds to benefit Missouri Forget-Me-Not Horse Rescue & Sanctuary. Suggested donation of $20 / participant. Vendors are welcomed @ $25 each. There will be a Silent Auction and a Potluck Luncheon.
Mar 30, 2019
Bagnell Dam Blvd.
Lake Ozark Missouri 65049
Hours of Operation: 7:30 am
Announcing the 4th Annual Bridge and Dam Half Marathon, 5K and 10K, to be held on Saturday March 30, 2019! The race starts on Bagnell Dam and runs over the Community Toll Bridge onto MM and down Las Campanas and back. This is a beautiful, scenic yet challenging course that will attract runners from all parts of the United States. The event promises to be a fun, exciting and anticipated event for the Lake! Lake of the Ozarks Fellowship of Christian Athletes will host the event and all proceeds benefit LOTO FCA. Sponsorship and Race Crew volunteer spots are available.
Mar 31, 2019
Osage Beach Fire Station #2
6186 Fire Station Road
Osage Beach MO 65065
Hours of Operation: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Come out for All You Care to Eat and while you're here, you can see the Fire Station / Trucks, Talk with Firefighters, and have a great meal. DJ Kyle will be providing entertainment, and there will be a great raffle again this year. Serving food from 11am - 5pm. Prices: Adults- $10, Children (under 12)-a$5, Under 3- Free. The Annual Firefighters Fish Fry is a major fundraiser that enables OBFS#2 to contribute to the community. Your support is very much appreciated.
For all the events that are happening around our community, your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company will help keep you updated and informed. The winter weather may be sticking around for a while longer, but we'll soon be enjoying spring! Remember, just because it’s cold, doesn’t mean pests stop trying to enter your home. To keep your home pest free all year long, give A B Pest Control & Insulation a call.
Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company
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