Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Happens to Cockroaches in Winter?

Ever wonder where some of those pests that were taking over your lawn and home run to when winter pokes its cold dreary head out? While some pests and rodents migrate to warmer climates for the winter months, others may seek places to hide out from the cold or hibernate. Cockroaches are one of those iffy pests that can go either way. Because of their unrelenting ability to survive even the harshest conditions, regular pest control treatments during the colder months are essential for controlling cockroaches. Here's what you need to know about cockroaches in the winter months.

What Species are Common in Missouri?

American Cockroach
The American cockroach generally lives outdoors, but during winter will move indoors and seek refuge from the cold. Outdoors, they will winter in decaying trees and woodpiles to survive the season.

German Cockroach
German cockroaches are a severe pest problem in the United States and are found everywhere through the country in large numbers. They easily infiltrate human structures and make their homes there. Once inside, they are hard to eradicate. As long as the German cockroach can find food and a humid environment, it will survive the winter.

Oriental Cockroach
Oriental cockroaches are an indoor species, but will often venture outdoors in search of food. They must have water to survive and will usually take refuge from the winter inside basements, crawlspaces, and floor drains. Oriental cockroaches can tolerate lower temperatures than most other species of cockroaches and will often winter in rock walls and sites that offer protection and warmth. They use the winter months to reproduce.

Cockroaches During The Winter

Cockroaches are resilient creatures, surviving on earth for more than 300 million years and will likely continue that survival long after humans have disappeared. The winter months do pose a risk to cockroaches, which will often die when exposed to temperatures less than 15 degrees Fahrenheit. However, cockroaches can find plenty of ways to avoid that exposure and survive the cold months.

Why Continue Pest Control During Winter

It's important to continue pest control treatments inside and outside your home throughout the winter months to keep pests that are seeking warmth from gaining access. They do they tend to take up residence inside the walls, which could make it more difficult to find and treat.
  • If pests are inside the walls of your home, they are not affected by the cold temperatures outside.
  • In addition to roaches living in the walls, attics and basements also provide a great source of protection and warmth for them to survive the winter months. 
  • If there are points of entry that are not sealed up, roaches can find their way into your home.
  • When a professional pest control company treats your home, they will ensure there are no pest related issues or identify any conditions that could lead to the future pest problems.
  • Continual treatment can prevent future infestations and can help to treat any nested eggs that have since hatched and not been affected by the initial treatment.

Get Rid of Roaches with A B Pest Control & Insulation!

This month we've seen some unusually warm temperatures, which may be causing some pests to come out of hiding. If you need pest control services this fall or winter, call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100. We can help you keep your home pest free this season!

Lake of the Ozarks
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