Friday, December 13, 2019

A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Attics & Ants

At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer multiple services for your convenience. From pest control to lawn maintenance and turf management to insulation services, we can handle all of these tasks for you! To showcase our experience in knowledge in all things pest and insulation relation, we've decided to start a new series to cover all the A-Zs of pest control and insulation that A B Pest Control & Insulation can help you with! This week, we'll be starting with A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Attics & Ants.

Protecting Your Attic

It's definitely starting to feel a lot like winter, and your heating bill is probably beginning to reflect the work your furnace is putting in. Air leaks in your attic increase heating and cooling bills by letting unconditioned air in and conditioned air out. Moisture can also enter through cracks, impacting home durability and indoor air quality. Sealing and installing a good quality insulation can protect the attic from moisture and improve your home's efficiency. Loose-fill or batt insulation is typically installed in an attic. Loose-fill insulation is usually less expensive to install than batt insulation, and provides better coverage when installed properly. Here are a few types of attic insulation we typically recommend.

Three Types Of Attic Insulation

Cellulose Insulation
Cellulose insulation is great for insulating empty spaces, such as attics and crawl spaces. Cellulose insulation is thick, dense, and clumpy, with a consistency much like down feathers. The chief value of this shape and size is that the insulation can fit in enclosed areas (such as walls) and can conform around obstructions such as wires and ducts (found both in walls and in attics).

Fiberglass Insulation
Fiberglass is a type of fiber primarily composed of glass that is used as a residential and commercial thermal insulator. As an insulator, it slows the spread of heat, cold, and sound in structures. By trapping pockets of air, it keeps rooms warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and thereby serves as a convenient method to increase energy efficiency. Commonly found in blanket form, called batts, it is available in standard pre-cut lengths and widths. Fiberglass insulation also comes as loose fill that can be blown into attic, wall and floor cavities.

Foam Spray
Spray foam insulation offers a dynamic option that is suitable for almost any attic. Attic spray foam insulation has a versatile application method, which gives it a significant advantage over traditional options. It can be applied in narrow areas, blocking gaps and cracks that allow heat transfer. While foam spray insulation is typically a more costly option, it is designed to last and typically requires less cost for repair over the years.

Preventing an Ant Invasion

Ants are one of the most common nuisances homeowners deal with when it comes to pests. While they're more prominent in the spring and summer months, occasionally they find their way into our homes in the fall and winter and make themselves quite comfortable. With the convenience of food and water sources so readily available to them, it's no wonder they're drawn to the indoors during the colder months. Here are some tips to prevent and control ants in your home.

Eliminate The Food Sources
Keeping your kitchen clean and tidy can help discourage ants and other food-loving pests. Wipe down counters and sweep the floors regularly to eliminate any crumbs or anything left behind from spills. Make sure to store leftover food in a tightly sealed container. In addition, if food is left out, it's a good idea to put it away or make sure it's covered to avoid a feast for ants. Finally, use a tightly sealing lid on trash cans and dispose of garbage regularly.

Keep Pet Bowls Clean
Pets can unintentionally invite ants into our homes. Their food and water bowls are an attractant for pests, so be sure to keep pet bowls clean and clean up any spilled food or water promptly. It's a good idea to store dry pet food in a sealed container rather than the paper bag they often come in. If the food is left in the paper bag, it could be an easy access for ants and other pests getting into it. In addition, inspect dog/cat doors to ensure pests cannot get through. Ants can fit through even the tiniest of openings.

Cover Points of Entrance
Take the time to inspect your home to look for easy access points. Trees and bushes should be trimmed away from the home, as they can provide a roadway to your home. Seal any cracks and crevices on the outside of the home with silicone caulk.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a Call!
At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we pride ourselves on our exemplary service, because we stand behind all our work. We offer flexible service schedules to meet your pest control and budget needs. If you have unwanted pests around your house or require any of our other services, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call! We only use EPA approved, low-odor chemicals and we go through proper training to ensure that everyone is safe. From pest control to lawn maintenance and insulation services - A to Z, we cover it all!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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