Thursday, January 9, 2020

A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Bats & Batts

At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer multiple services for your convenience. From pest control to lawn maintenance and turf management to insulation services, we can handle all of these tasks for you! This week, we'll be continuing our new series by discussing two different sectors of our business with A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Bats & Batts.

The Furry Winged Bats 
While Missouri has seen about 9 common species of bats within its state lines, only one family of bats predominates in Missouri: the evening bats. More than this have been spotted, but are not commonly seen in Missouri. However, the most common species found in attics and roosting in outdoor buildings is the little brown bat.

The little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) is a brown, mouse-sized bat that occurs throughout Missouri. It hibernates in small numbers in Ozark caves during winter. In summer, it sometimes takes up residence in attics and buildings, where it rarely causes damage.

Common Misconceptions
Bats are unique and interesting animals. Because of their nocturnal nature and widespread misconceptions about them, they are the subject of myths and folklore that make them one of the most mysterious and misunderstood mammals. The presence of a bat in a house causes more alarm than does any other wildlife species.

These fears are unwarranted. Contrary to what you may have heard, very few bats become rabid (less than half of 1 percent). Bat droppings in buildings usually are not a source of histoplasmosis. Bats are not filthy and will not infest homes with dangerous parasites. Bats are not aggressive and will not attack people or pets.

Benefits of bats
Missouri bats consume literally tons of insects in our state each year and are one of our best allies in controlling insect numbers. A single little brown bat (one of the common house-dwelling bats) may eat 600 mosquitoes in an hour. Bats are the only major predator for night-flying insects.

Now that you know a little more about some of the common bats we'll see around Missouri, you can be better equipped to identify one roosting in your attic! Remember, bats in Missouri are protected and it is illegal to kill them unless they're causing damage to your property. If you do happen to come across bats in your attic or outdoor building, contact A B Pest Control & Insulation. We'll come out and safely remove these nocturnal harmless creatures and relocate them where they can thrive and continue to benefit our ecosystem!

The Other Kind of Batts
Another kind of 'bat' we handle are the insulation type. Batts are precut pieces of insulation that fit perfectly into cavities on walls. These are used as a convenient and effective way to ensure your home is protected from the cold. This is one of the most common products used to insulate walls, ceilings and attics as well as basements and crawl spaces. It is generally manufactured from fiberglass, Batt insulation can also be made from cotton or stone wool.

Benefits of Batt Insulation
Batt insulation has numerous advantages. Because professionals can install the product relatively quickly, it is one of the least expensive ways to insulate your home. When compared to other types of insulation, the fiberglass version generally has the lowest installed price. It also maintains it's effectiveness because it doesn't settle over time.

Batt insulation is very flexible, which means that it can be installed between studs, rafters and joists blocks without leaving any gaps. The snug fit helps stop airflow and the transfer of heat. When installed correctly, it is very energy efficient. Studies have shown batt insulation can reduce the amount of energy required to heat and cool a home by as much as 50 percent. Along with lower energy bills, your home will be more comfortable year round.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a Call!
At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we pride ourselves on our exemplary service, because we stand behind all our work. We offer flexible service schedules to meet your pest control, insulation and budget needs. If you have unwanted pests around your house or would like a free estimate on your insulation needs, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call! From pest control to lawn maintenance and insulation services - A to Z, we cover it all!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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