Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Crawl Spaces & Cockroaches

At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we offer multiple services for your convenience. From pest control to lawn maintenance and turf management to insulation services, we can handle all of these tasks for you! This week, we'll be continuing our new series by discussing two different sectors of our business with A-Z with A B Pest Control & Insulation: Crawl Spaces and Cockroaches.

Protecting Your Crawl Space
Unfortunately, home efficiency and moisture issues in crawl spaces can easily go unnoticed, degrading home air quality, comfort, and energy efficiency. One of the most common problems with crawl spaces that do not have insulation is the high level of moisture. This could lead to mold growth. By having your crawlspace insulated, you can greatly reduce the moisture levels, which will prevent mold from growing and forming. Moisture that's trapped in the crawl space can also affect the temperature in the house. Insulation can help seal off the crawl space and keep your house at the temperature you desire. Proper insulation can also prevent pipes from freezing and bursting in colder weather.

Two Types Of Crawl Space Insulation

Vapor Barrier System
A crawl space vapor barrier system prevents ground moisture evaporation from entering the crawl space. It's designed to resist the flow of air. The vapor barrier system turns the crawl space into a semi-conditioned area by stopping the air movement and making the temperature close to the living spaces in your home above. When the temperature in the crawl space is similar to the temperature in the home's living areas, your floors will feel warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Foam Spray
Spray foam insulation can help seal things up for good and eliminate any worries you may have about your crawl space. Spray foam is highly dense, and a little bit goes a long ways. It's non-permeable so it can help seal up any air gaps to eliminate moisture and keep your space free of mold, mildew and rot. While the only guarantee of a rodent-free home is ongoing pest control service, spray foam makes it less likely you'll be invaded by rodents. Spray foam is hard and an unwelcoming substance for them, unlike fiberglass insulation.

Preventing Cockroaches
Roaches enter homes in search of shelter, food and water. And your kitchen offers all of that! This is one pest you DON'T want to see in your home for many reasons: they can multiply quickly, they're hard to get rid of, they can pose health threats, and they're just plain scary! Daily cleaning and proper food storage is the easiest way to prevent these nasty little bugs from infesting your home. But be sure to seal off any potential entryways, too! Regular pest treatments can help prevent them, as well.

What Cockroach Species are Common in Missouri?

American Cockroach
The American cockroach generally lives outdoors, but during winter will move indoors and seek refuge from the cold. Outdoors, they will winter in decaying trees and woodpiles to survive the season.
German Cockroach
German cockroaches are a severe pest problem in the United States and are found everywhere through the country in large numbers. They easily infiltrate human structures and make their homes there. Once inside, they are hard to eradicate. As long as the German cockroach can find food and a humid environment, it will survive the winter.

Oriental Cockroach
Oriental cockroaches are an indoor species, but will often venture outdoors in search of food. They must have water to survive and will usually take refuge from the winter inside basements, crawlspaces, and floor drains. Oriental cockroaches can tolerate lower temperatures than most other species of cockroaches and will often winter in rock walls and sites that offer protection and warmth. They use the winter months to reproduce.

Give A B Pest Control & Insulation a Call!
At A B Pest Control & Insulation, we pride ourselves on our exemplary service, because we stand behind all our work. We offer flexible service schedules to meet your pest control, insulation and budget needs. And of course, we couldn't do what we do without the awesome customers that trust us for their pest and insulation needs! So, we just want to give a quick shout out to our loyal customers who've kept us going all these years!

If you have unwanted pests around your house or would like a free estimate on your insulation needs, give your Lake of the Ozarks pest control company a call! From pest control to lawn maintenance and insulation services - A to Z, we cover it all!

Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company

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