Friday, November 13, 2020

13 Fun Facts About Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th... A day that people often correlate as a day of bad omen. But why is it considered an unlucky day? Does anyone really know the answer? If you're a believer of superstitions, then this age old question has probably crossed your mind a time or two. In light of yet another Friday the 13th in the year that everyone already considering to be unlucky, we at A B Pest Control & Insulation thought it'd be fun to dive in and learn a little bit about this superstitious day. So, we're sharing some history and some fun facts about Friday the 13th in this week's blog!

Why is Friday the 13th Unlucky?

"According to biblical tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, held on Maundy Thursday, including Jesus and his 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, betrayed him). The next day, of course, was Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion." -

While many believe that the Last Supper is the origination of why Friday the 13th is a day of bad omen, negative superstitions have swirled around the number 13 for centuries. While Western cultures have historically associated the number 12 with completeness, 13 has a long history as a sign of bad luck. 

As an example, the union of day and date has also been traced back to King Philip IV of France arresting hundreds of Knights Templar on Friday 13 October 1307. According to folklore, there were trials, torture, and many of the Knights were burned at the stake, eventually leading to the superstition of Friday the 13th as a cursed and evil day. 

13 Fun Facts About Friday the 13th

Regardless as to what one believes, we may never know the true reason for the fear of Friday the 13th. Now that we know potentially where this superstition started and why so many dread the day, let's take a look at some interesting facts surrounding the day.

1. On Friday April 13, 2029, a large asteroid will fly close enough to the Earth to be visible without a telescope in Africa, Europe and Asia, according to NASA.

2. The word for fear of Friday the 13th is "paraskavedekatriaphobia." The word for fear of the number 13 is "triskaidekaphobia."

3. Taylor Swift thinks of 13 as her lucky number and has some connections with Friday the 13th: "I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first #1 song had a 13-second intro," she told MTV in 2009.

4. One popular thought of its origin points to a 1907 book by a stockbroker named Thomas Lawson. Titled Friday, the Thirteenth, it tells the tale of a stockbroker who picks that particular day to manipulate the stock market and bring all of Wall Street down.

5. On Friday, July 13, 1923, the United States got a brand new landmark as the famed Hollywood sign was officially christened as a promotional tool for a new housing development.

6. According to heavy metal lore, the genre was born Friday, February 13, 1970, with the UK release of Black Sabbath's self-titled debut album.

7. The folks of French Lick, Indiana decreed all black cats in the town were to wear a bell around their neck every Friday the 13th in the 1930s and extending into the '40s

8. In order to prove that there was no curse on the number, Captain William Fowler—who had fought in 13 Civil War battles—started a club in 1882 that spat in the face of superstition, the secret society called The Thirteen Club

9. For a month to have a Friday the 13th, the month must begin on a Sunday. 

10. Three Friday the 13ths can occur in a leap year as well. If January 1 of a leap year falls on a Sunday, the months of January, April, and July will each have a Friday the 13th.

11. Celebrities and well-known personalities born on a Friday the 13th include actors Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen; novelist and playwright, Samuel Beckett; and former President of Cuba, Fidel Castro.

12. The commercially successful Friday the 13th enterprise includes 12 horror movies, a television series, and several books that focus on curses and superstitions. 

13. An Asteroid Will Safely Fly By the Earth in 2029. On a Friday the 13th! Friday, April the 13th, 2029, to be exact. 

As you can see, there's some good and some bad that has historically occurred on Friday the 13th. So what do you think? Is Friday the 13th really as ominous as many people think? Do you tend to treat it as any old normal day, or do you take extra precautions to avoid any possible mishaps? 

We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about Friday the 13th. We've enjoyed diving into the history and learning a little about the day ourselves! If you find yourself unfortunate enough this Friday the 13th to stumble across a pest problem, be sure to give A B Pest Control & Insulation a call. We'll take the uncertainty right out of your problem and eliminate your pests once and for all! 


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