Tuesday, August 10, 2021

How to Keep Bed Bugs from Hitchhiking Home With You

It's that time of year when families are taking vacations and staying over in hotels, rental properties, and extended family's homes. We're traveling, whether by car or by plane, and we're coming into contact with a lot of new people and places. This is, after all the point of summer vacation, is to go and explore! But, it's these times that we're not the only ones doing the exploring... this week, we're talking the ultimate hitchhiking pests: bed bugs.


So, how do we keep from traveling and bringing bed bugs back home with us? It can be a very scary thought to know you could inadvertently come home with these tiny little parasites that are so hard to see, and even harder to get rid of once they've infested themselves in your home. It almost makes traveling scary! But there are things you can do to prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking back home with you. Read on to learn more. 

1. Familiarize Yourself with Signs of Bed Bugs. 

If you know what (and where) to look for, you can easily spot signs of a possible bed bug infestation before they become a problem for you. Bed bugs are oval, flat, brown and wingless insects about a ¼-inch long. They can be found in box springs, mattresses, bed frames, wall outlets, floor cracks and behind clocks and pictures. They occasionally leave behind casings and deposit fecal or blood spots, which look like dark red or brown smears, on bed sheets, pillowcases and mattresses. 

2. Inspect your hotel or rental home's bed.

When traveling or staying somewhere outside of your home, always check your bedding first thing before unpacking your bags. Pull back the sheets and scan near the corners of the mattress and around the headboard. You're looking for bugs, dark brown and red blood spots and casings. Then, lift the mattress and check underneath. If you find any of the signs or wake up to any bites, you need to report it to hotel management immediately and ask for a new room in a separate part of the building at least a floor or two away if moving locations entirely isn't an option. 

3. Guard your suitcase.

When traveling it's important to think about your suitcase and all the possible things it can collect between travels. Bed bugs included. Consider wrapping your entire suitcase in a trash bag when you arrive at a hotel to eliminate any potential infestation during your trip. And, instead of leaving your suitcase on the ground or throwing it on the extra bed, place your baggage on a desk or in the bathroom, where there are fewer areas for the bugs to hide. When you arrive home from vacation, vacuum your suitcases to make sure no bugs are entering your home.

4. Be careful when buying second-hand furniture.

While this may not be travel related, it's a very common way that people unknowingly bring bed bugs into their home without thought. In particular, used bed frames and mattresses have the greatest chance of harboring bed bugs and their eggs. If you do purchased used furniture, it’s crucial that you carefully inspect the items for signs of a bed bug infestation and treat them with insecticide sprays that kill bed bugs and their eggs on contact. This will ensure that even if you do bring second hand furniture into your home, you'll be less likely to encounter an issue with bed bugs. 

5. Talk to your kids about sharing clothing and other articles at school.

Another non-travel consideration is that school is getting ready to start back up, and kids tend to share more than just summer time stories once they get back into close proximity of one another. Lice and bed bugs are all too commonly passed throughout schools. So, it's important to talk to your children about sharing items, and make sure to check their backpacks and bedrooms often for any signs of bed bugs. 

Call A B Pest Control & Insulation for Your Pest Control Needs!

Now that you know of some super simple ways to avoid bringing home hitchhiking bed bugs while you're traveling, you can be on the look out and prevent them from making their way into your home. Rest easier knowing the signs to watch for, and know that you've got a pest control company who can take care of any problems that might arise in the event of a bed bug crisis. If you notice any signs that point to a bed bug infestation, give us a call. We can come out and take care of the problem for you! Give A B Pest Control and Insulation a call today for your pest control needs and more!


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