Friday, October 8, 2021

5 Fall Pests to Look Out For

Fall at the Lake of the Ozarks is finally here and slowly making its debut and we couldn’t be more excited for cooler weather and beautiful fall foliage. However, many people often have the misconception that with cooler weather comes less pests and a declining need for pest control services. That actually couldn't be further from the truth. Pest control is just as important in the fall as it is any other time of the year. Check out 5 pests you might find scurrying around your home this fall.

1. Mice
Mice and other rodents may try to begin entering your home looking for a warm shelter with food and water through any small crack or hole. Access points can be anything from a pipe or vent to a broken seal around a window or door. They can chew through insulation and other easy access points. Inspect your home for any place you think a mouse could get through. Ensure all window and door frames, as well as utility pipes that lead to the outside, are sealed tightly. If you have screens on your windows or doors, make sure they're in tact and repair them if necessary.

2. Termites
Termites are another common pest we see making their way into homes in the fall months. While they primarily forage underground for cellulose, they can find their way into wood cords in an attempt to feed so they can return it to the colony to feed others. It's during these excursions that termites can unknowingly enter your home, possibly leaving a trail of pheromones for the colony to follow. And since many homes are insulated with cellulose (their primary source of nutrients), your home just became a welcoming humble abode for the colony!

3. Snakes
If you have birds in your yard or rodents in your house, you may be attracting snakes onto your property. Although you may not control the birds, you can control the rodent problem. Calling a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks can help you get rid of the rodents hiding in your walls. Unfortunately, snakes like similar conditions as human. During the summer, they like cool places and during the winter, they like warmer places to hibernate, which is why they may seek your home for shelter. During the fall, you may see more snakes than usual, as they are more active due to the nice weather and they are preparing for hibernation.

4. Bed Bugs
With school back in session and people traveling for the upcoming holidays, it's prime time for bed bugs to migrate. Since they are so resilient and can dwell almost anywhere without a host for so long, they'll find refuge in carpeting, behind light switch and plugin coverings, and floor boards. For bed bugs you'll need to strip off bedding from mattresses as these may contain bugs. Your clothes may possibly be infested with bugs, so you also need to wash these with water at a very high temperature and let them dry in high heat. A professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks should be contacted to treat for bed bugs as they are extremely difficult pests to get rid of and can survive for up to a year without feeding. These pests require chemical treatment as well as high heat treatment, and may require multiple treatments to eradicate the infestation. 

5. Cockroaches
While some pests and rodents migrate to warmer climates for the winter months, others may seek places to hide out from the cold or hibernate. Cockroaches are one of those iffy pests that can go either way. The winter months do pose a risk to cockroaches, which will often die when exposed to temperatures less than 15 degrees Fahrenheit. However, cockroaches can find plenty of ways to avoid that exposure and survive the cold months. Because of their unrelenting ability to survive even the harshest conditions, regular pest control treatments during the colder months are essential for controlling cockroaches.

Get Rid of Fall Pests with A B Pest Control & Insulation!
There are many pests that will go into hibernation within the next few weeks, but several will simply try to seek shelter in the warmth of your home. If you need pest control services this fall or winter, call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100. We can help you keep your home pest free all year round!


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