Friday, April 8, 2022

Health Benefits of Dandelions

Springtime is here, which means we're spending more time outdoors and in our yards. The last thing we want to deal with is weeds taking over. In order to achieve and maintain a beautiful lawn, A B Pest Control and Insulation truly believes that you should implement basic lawn care practices. On top of that, it takes time and work to ensure your lawn isn't overtaken by weeds. And we can help you keep those weeds under control. 

One of the most common weeds we often see in lawns are dandelions. Yes, they can be a frustration when trying to keep your lawn looking great... but did you know there are actually many potential health benefits to dandelions? We thought it'd be fun to share some of that information with you! 

Health Benefits of Dandelions

Highly nutritious
From root to flower, dandelions are highly nutritious plants loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Dandelion greens can be eaten cooked or raw and are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K. They also contain vitamin E, folate, and small amounts of other B vitamins. What’s more, dandelion greens provide a substantial amount of several minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Contains potent antioxidants
Dandelion is full of potent antioxidants, which may explain many of its medicinal properties. Dandelions contain high levels of the antioxidant beta carotene, which may protect against cell damage and oxidative stress. They’re also rich in another type of antioxidants called polyphenols, which are found mostly in the flower but occur in the roots, leaves, and stems as well.

May help fight inflammation
Dandelion may reduce inflammation, thanks to certain compounds such as polyphenols. Inflammation is a normal immune system response to injury or infection. However, long-term inflammation may lead to permanent damage to your body’s tissues and DNA.

May aid in blood sugar management
Chicoric and chlorogenic acid are two bioactive compounds in dandelion that may help decrease blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that these compounds may improve the secretion of insulin, as well as the absorption of glucose in your muscles. This process leads to improved insulin sensitivity and reduced blood sugar levels.

May reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Some compounds in dandelion may decrease triglyceride and cholesterol levels, both of which are key risk factors for heart disease. Studies have shown that dandelion leaf and root extract can decrease triglyceride accumulation in fat cells. Similarly, dandelion leaf extract can significantly reduce levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides.

May have anticancer effects
Perhaps one of the most intriguing health claims about dandelion extract is its potential to prevent the growth of cancerous cells in various organ systems. A 4-week study in rats showed that administering dandelion root extract modified specific pathways involved in suppressing the growth and spread of breast cancer cells. Other test-tube studies have found that dandelion root extract may slow the growth of cancer cells in liver, colon, and stomach tissue. 

Hire the Professionals!
As you can see, there are many potential health benefits to dandelions. But when it comes to keep your lawn looking great, dandelions may not be something you find attractive. If you're looking for some help on keeping your lawn weed free, A B Pest Control and Insulation has a formula for success for your lawn. The best lawn service company at the Lake of the Ozarks can evaluate your lawn’s needs and put it on a regular maintenance schedule so that it stays healthy and weed-free throughout the year. If your lawn is in need of some help, visit our website or give us a call today. We would love to get your yard on track to looking great all summer long!


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