Monday, June 13, 2022

Is Your Home Properly Insulated?

In the hot summer months, we expect our homes to provide comfort from the heat of the outdoors. And in the winter, we expect our homes to protect us from the cold. However, if you have old insulation or not enough insulation throughout your home, there’s a good chance that you're struggling with maintaining a consistent temperature for your family's comfort. But how can you tell if your home is poorly insulated? There are a few red flags that you can look for to determine whether or not you need to call on the experts at A B Pest Control & Insulation for your home insulation needs. Take a look.

1. Fluctuating Room Temperatures
As you walk from room to room throughout your home, the temperature should remain the same throughout each room. If different rooms have starkly different temperatures, that’s a pretty good indication that your home is poorly insulated. While your HVAC system with its return vents and ducts can play a big part in contributing to an even and comfortable environment, insulation is also important factor because without it, there's nothing to help prevent that cool air or heat from leaking out of your home through your walls.

2. Soaring Energy Bills
While this could just be an indication of poor use and planning, soaring energy bills can also be a clear indication that your HVAC system is having to work overtime to try to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. A big reason for this could be because your home isn't properly insulated and isn't able to hold in or block out energy. If you feel like your energy bill is higher than it should be, you can contact your electric company and ask for a usage history report to compare previous years usage. This can be a good way to tell if you've historically had issues with constantly battling high usage (potentially poor insulation) or are just using more energy than normal due to changes in your home life and habits.

3. Water Leaks in the Attic
Improper insulation can let water into your home, leading to leakage issues. Water tends to slip through the cracks in the attic insulation, causing water damage to your interior walls and ceiling. If you notice darkened spots on your ceiling that look like possible water pooling stains, do a touch test for moisture. Even if the spot is dry at the time, it's still a good idea to have a professional come out and check your attic for history of leaking and water damage. If you are experiencing water leaks, this could be an indication of poor insulation, as the insulation should act as a sort of barrier against water damage.

4. Visibly Inadequate Insulation
A really simple way to tell if your home is poorly insulated is to look in your attic. If you can look across your attic and see the floor joists, your attic is not properly insulated. A properly insulated attic should have between 13-18 inches of insulation evenly throughout for an attic to be properly insulated. If you cannot see any of the floor joist because the insulation is well above them, you probably have enough insulation. It is also important that the insulation is evenly distributed. Sometimes there is enough insulation in the middle, but the edges have very little.

Request a Free Quote from A B Pest Control
The easiest and most efficient way to ensure that your home has the proper insulation levels is to call a professional. A B Pest Control and Insulation can evaluate your home and make the proper recommendations for the best insulation to meet your needs. With proper insulation, your home can easily stay cool when it’s hot outside. Your Lake of the Ozarks insulation company has team members with many years of experience in the insulation business, so you can trust that we will get the job done right at a fair price.


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