Thursday, July 14, 2022

Fun Facts About Fireflies!

Whether you call these little glowing insects lightning bugs or fireflies, it’s hard to deny that there’s a sense of magic when they light up a summer sky. With this magic, comes some mystery. What makes them glow and how do they benefit the environment? A B Pest Control & Insulation has the inside scoop on what makes these bioluminescent bugs so special. Read on to find out more. 


What Are They Really?  

Despite their name, fireflies are not actually flies. They are instead a type of beetle. These lengthy bugs typically have colors of black, yellow, red and orange along their bodies and their heads are so small that they can rarely be seen from above. Their eggs are hatched within the soil of the Earth, where they also hibernate during the wintertime.  

Their Glow

Lightning bugs are easily identified by the light that they produce at the end of their abdomens. According to the Mother Nature Network, the light that they produce are the most efficient, especially when you compare this light to human-made light. Close to 100% of the energy produced during a lightning bug’s chemical reaction is turned into light. In comparison, only 10% of a light bulb’s energy is actually emitted as light, and the other 90% is lost as heat. Their light isn't just efficient though, it is also said that their glow helps fend away predators by telling them that they aren't tasty to eat.

Lightning bugs use their glows to attract a mate. According to the University of Minnesota, there are over 200 species of lightning bugs and each species has a particular flash pattern. Males use their patterns to attract females of the same species. Males that glow more often than others and have a higher light intensity are more likely to attract more females. Fun fact: some species sync their patterns up while in groups to gain the attention of females.  

Their Benefit to the Environment 

While lightning bugs are pretty to look at, are they doing anything to benefit the environment? They definitely don’t hurt the environment: they don’t bite, pinch, attack, carry diseases or poison. But due to their diets of common crop and garden pests, they are also helping the environment by keeping harmful pests away from gardens and fields. So, not only are they pretty to look at, they also aid the growing process of produce and crops. 

Where Are They Going? 

Hopefully we’ve gotten you all fired up about fireflies/lightning bugs. If you want to observe their beauty, but are having a hard time finding some in your backyard, there’s a reason why. Sadly, the lightning bug population has been declining due to light pollution and the expansion of urban areas which is destroying their natural habitats. In addition, some researchers are harvesting these glowing insects for medical research.  

Fireflies Helped in Medical Research for Decades 

While this may sound a little crazy, for decades researchers have paid people to catch fireflies for use in medical research to study diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and heart disease. They've also been used to test the bacterial content in water and milk. From 1960 through the mid 1990s, the Missouri-based Sigma Firefly Scientists Club paid a penny for each firefly it received.

Give Us a Call! 

We hope that next time you see a lightning bug, you’ll stop to think about what magnificent critters these insects are. Even though A B Pest Control & Insulation is in fact, a pest control company and most people associate that with getting rid of pests, we value the benefits that many pests offer to the environment. However, the next time you’re dealing with destructive pests, call up the best pest control service at the Lake of the Ozarks to take care of your pesky pest problems


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