Moles have a pointed snout, large, rounded front feet with stout claws, and a short, bare tail. Moles are not rodents, in fact, they are part of a group of mammals known as insectivores. Moles primarily feed on earthworms, ants, beetle grubs and other arthropods living in the ground. While they do eat various seeds and vegetable matter, it only makes up a small portion of their diet. Females will typically produce three to five pups in the spring.
Is There A Mole Infestation?
Moles are active throughout the year, however, they are most active in the spring and the fall. Moles can wreak havoc with burrowing, as they create elaborate underground tunnels. The tunnels are called runways and they run at both shallow and deep levels. The subsurface runways are where mounds and ridges show above the ground. They are typically used for feeding and can be produced at a rate of 20 feet per hour. Deep runways are located up to 10 inches below the surface. These are the main thoroughfares for the mole as it travels to and from the surface. The number of mounds or surface ridges is no indication of the number of moles within your yard. In fact, 2.5 acres can support anywhere between seven to 12 moles at one time.

The best way to prevent moles from digging up your yard is to get rid of the mole itself. Getting rid of moles can be difficult. Many home remedies can be ineffective and even harmful to pets and children. Make it easy on yourself and call a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks. A B Pest Control & Insulation can get rid of your mole infestation quickly and effectively with our animal trapping services.
Prevent Moles From Coming Back
The main reason moles will dig tunnels in your yard is to find food. Prevent moles from tunneling around by eliminating their source of food. By removing the earthworms and grub, you may be able to cause the mole to move to another area. When your lawn is healthy, you lower your chances of a pest problem.
Take Back Your Lawn
Moles are common in yards throughout most of the United States. Make sure your lawn is protected this upcoming season by hiring a professional pest control company at the Lake of the Ozarks. From animal and pest control services to residential and commercial insulation, A B Pest Control & Insulation can help you make sure your home is protected this spring. Call A B Pest Control & Insulation at 573-964-1100 to learn more about our services or to make your appointment.
Lake of the Ozarks
Pest Control Company
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